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Hello all,


Well here it is. Met a girl about 3 weeks ago. First week I went too hard and was being to persistent and she sent me a text saying that I was being very pushy. Naturally I backed off.

I got an email from her yesterday and it head…………...


i replyed and said......


Hi Ann,


Just wanted to say a couple of things so I hope you don't mind.

Like I said yesterday, thank you for your honesty. It was very much appreciated.

I don't doubt that I was very persistent and determined that first week. I guess I was just really keen on seeing you again but I know I crossed the line so with that I do apologise.

When you sent me that message saying that I was being very pushy, it made me realise how much of an idiot I was being. I let my emotions take control of me and I am so sorry for that and realise what I did was wrong. I was actually at a coffee shop having breakfast/lunch at the time I got your message and when I walked out I actually said out loud " You Idiot " and someone who was walking past actually thought I was talking to them". Not Good. ;-(.


Look Ann, I did stuff up and I am very sorry for that but when you think about it, we never actually gave it a chance but I also know that by me coming on very strong wouldn't have helped the situation but I know how wrong I was in being like that.


I know that by acting the way I did, I did scare you off and that wasn't the ideal start but like I said, I realised I was a fool and all I am asking for is a chance.


All I ask is that we at least meet up for a coffee sometime and just have a chat just as friends and see how it goes from there and if you still feel the same then I will just walk away I promise you. Trust me Ann, I will never try and put any pressure on you or be as pushy as I was again but you will only know this if you give me a chance. I just think it would be a real shame if we didn't at least give it a go.


I don't think im asking for much Ann. Just a chance that all. I will not disappoint you I promise you that.


Please think about it Ann. That's all I can ask.


Thank You.


what should i do from here and have i done the right thing?

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I think your return email was silly. Now you are dragging this on, and putting far too much emphasis on being too pushy. Backing off a little was ALL YOU NEEDED to do. Now you are looking silly by apologizing for yourself, letting her know that you lacked self control, and making yourself look desperate. Before you do that kind of thing, ask us first! Yeesh! If she emailed you and was ready to continue the relationship, then she had moved on, you should have too.

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