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Silly question about dating people with pets

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Hi There,


I am out in the dating pool again and seem to run into guys who have pets. I myself am not a pet person. I don't like cats, dogs, birds, etc. I guess it's because I never grew up with pets so I never got used to them.


I had one guy who cancelled our first date because I didnt like pets (he seemed a bit wishy washy anyways). This is a crazy opinion but I always thought a guy with a cat was a bit odd. I can see a dog but a cat seems more like a girl pet.


So my question is if you didnt like pets and the person who you could potentially date has one and you would have to put up with it when at their housee would you still date them?


If anyone thinks I am anti animal I am not I do care that they are taken care of and not mistreated I just dont want one.


Any answers, opinions, stories, etc appreciated.


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I happen to like having pets, but I guess my answer to this is if you really don't like pets, I am not sure it is a good idea to date someone whom loves them.


First of, if the relationship ever progressed, it would be quite unfair to expect the pet to be given away, or for them to never have pets.


Second, as someone whom loves my pets, I would pretty much figure out the other person did NOT like them and resented them...and I hate to sound like a crazy cat, dog or at this time a bunny....lady...but that just would be a dealbreaker for me honestly. My boyfriend never grew up with animals in the house...he grew up on a farm, so I know for him having them inside was not 'ideal' but he really loves my rabbit actually I'll have to work on the cat and the in-the-house dog thing when we have a house...lol.


As for it being weird for a guy to have cats - well, a lot of people like cats as they are more independent, and are great for someone whom can't walk their animals or be there to let them out to pee, and are usually affectionate! Also, some places (apartments) don't let you keep dogs! I like ALL animals, but I can't have a dog right now, or a cat (she lives at home with my parents due to landlord reasons) so I have a pet bunny instead

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I'm a HUGE animal lover. I'd be a crazy cat lady if I weren't so damned allergic. And I'm constantly stopping people on the street so I can pet their dogs or ferrets or whatever. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE animals. Actually, I like them more than I like people.


So, yeah, if I dated a guy who was ambivalent about them, I'm not sure that we would be a great match.


If I were ambivalent about the guy, that might be a deal breaker for me, but if I were interested in him otherwise, I might give things a go. Maybe he can tolerate my animal craziness and think it's cute. But, if he didn't want to have animals in the house, I don't think we'd be a good long-term match.

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It depends on your and his feelings on the matter, doesn't it? Personally I'm indifferent to pets. My fiancee has a pet bunny, and I didn't mind it at all... it was cute. But then her landlord complained about it, forcing me to take it (I don't live with her, I live at another location). Now I really hate the stupid rabbit, heh. If I don't care about it enough when it's not my responsibility, how much more annoyed will I be when I have to clean the stinky cage every few weeks, and be sure it runs around my apartment at least once a day, leaving droppings everywhere?


It's not that big a deal to me. We're not going to have any more pets after this one, because she just doesn't really care that much either. If she was more into animals, then it's something I'd have to regrettably deal with (due to our commitment to each other). If I had just met her and she had a couple pets, I probably wouldn't have bothered.


I guess you just need to get a feel for the guy's level of attachment for pets, and decide if it's something you feel like you can live with. It seems pretty clear-cut to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wouldn't go out with someone who told me he was not a pet person. There wouldn't be any point, my dogs are like my kids. Luckily, my boyfriend is crazy about my dogs. He gets on the floor and wrestles with them (finally, I have a kid for my dogs lol). In fact, he's such a softie with them that if they misbehave and I put them in their kennels for a little bit, he can't stand it and after five minutes lets them out. He also doesn't mind if they sleep on the bed.


People who have animals typically love them a great deal, and don't want to feel their partner just "puts up" with them. However, there are many other people that are actually allergic to animals or feel the same way you do, Electra, so it shouldn't be too difficult to meet someone like that. You should probably clarify that requirement upfront, though.

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I love pets and animals. If he really doesn't like them - to the point of not wanting to be around them in my home - it's a dealbreaker!


Hehe...I got a good chuckle about men/cats being a weird combo.

I think that's a running joke to a lot of people...

Personally, I think man+pet=yeah! The man can keep something alive!

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