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this is probably my most hurtful post

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hello, my mother seems to blame everything that goes wrong in her life on me. she also never believes anything i tell her. her best friend ( a guy) has been molesting me since i was 15. i finally got really afraid of him and told her what her best friend was doing and she didn't believe me. she told me i was crazy. her bestfriend is at her house alot which makes it completely awkward for me. and when my parents leave town they ask him to watch over me which totally freaks me out. (her friend) knows he can pretty much do whatever he wants to me cause i have bi-polar disorder. so my family all think that i'm crazy.


i am so sick of this bi-polar BS, and everybody treating me differently because i have it. i know right from wrong and the way my family treats me isn't right. i'm not allowed to say how i feel about anything because their response to everything is that i must not be taking my medication and i'm going loopy again.


i take my medicine, i go to see my therapist. the professionals tell me i'm doing fine. i think my family can't accept me the way i am.

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Have you got a camcorder? If you have then try and set it up so you can catch him in the act and then you've got the proof.


The alternative is to go and tell the police and let them know when your parents are going to be away and they might set up surveillance cameras.


Without evidence your parents will never believe you!


I'm sorry but that's the only suggestions I've got.


Good luck and take care

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i have been married twice divorced twice, sorta in a third relationship.


my parents treat me like i'm a child (another problem) i am close to forty.


i'm a little person i don't know if that's why my moms friend does this. mostly i think he know my family won't believe.

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sorry this is happening to you


somehow this guy (your parents friend) is seeing you as weak. probably from things your parents have said to him. he is a predator. you are in a tough postion because no one is believing or listen to you, which makes it easier for this guy for you to become his victim.


i suggest as above report him to the police! this has been going on since you were 15. you must be terrified of him.

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