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Her parents called...

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I was doing really well with the NC...it has now been 3 months since we last spoke, and I was feeling a lot stronger and happier. But then her parents called me yesterday, completely out of the blue.


It was great to hear from them....they were interested in what I was up to and how I was, and they wanted to know if I was better, as the last time I saw them I was an emotional wreck.


They mentioned they were calling because they wanted to, and that my ex had no idea about it....and probably won't be told about it, seeing as my ex doesn't talk about me to them anymore.


For the first time in 3 months, I had tears in my eyes, after hearing her parents saying that they were missing me, and love me etc. Afterall, I had been with their daughter for over 6 years, so they are like family to me.


It just seems so sad that I got on so well with her parents and sisters, and that they were so pleased to hear from me yesterday....yet despite all that, my ex pushed me out of their lives. It feels like such a good friendship has been thrown away.

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I guess what makes me unique to them is I am English....and my ex and her family are Spanish. They saw me grow up from a 16 year old that couldn't speak any Spanish, to a 23 year old that is almost fluent in Spanish.


No matter what happens in the future, at least I'll know that I was "special" because I was foreign! I really doubt my ex would go through all the effort to meet another foreign guy...and if she did, I doubt he'd be willing to give up his life in his country to be with her....

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Hey photomo,

It's tough mate, I know...especially at this early stage.

One of my best friends is the brother of one of my ex's - I met him when I got together with her.

We had a bad break-up and she hurt me tremendously...it took me over 2 years to get over her (probably longer if I'm honest). And what made it worse is that I felt that I was losing him as a friend as well.


He stood by me though - we would meet up for a drink every month or so, we never discussed my ex (I had told him that I didn't want to know anything about her) and we kept our friendship completely independent of anything to do with her.


He started out as "My ex's brother" and is now "One of my best friends". If you care and miss for these people, and do want them in your life then it can happen mate. If you set some boundaries when you are ready.


Don't be upset about losing your ex AND her family mate...just grieve for your ex. Her family sound like they really love you pal and they'll be there if you ever need them.

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