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can i have the best advice on this? plz

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i am looking for a good advice on how to deal with students since am going to be a teacher very soon and am kind of new to this.

i am very confident that i will be teaching students very well but what am worrying about is that am kind of not sure how to deal with them personally..am a very easy going person, i like to make people happy so am afraid i wont be fair with my students..i just need to know how a teacher should deal with students perfectly without causing any kind of problems..students of high school or intermidiate..am not sure yet..

i hope i get a good advice on this please.

or maybe you could tell me how the greatest teacher in your life affected you and how was he/she dealing with you?

any suggestions?

thank you

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the greatest teacher i ever had nurtured my talent/hobby of reading. she showed me new books i could read in class everyday and continually held her tongue when she found my reading during her classes. she even went as far as to tell my mother whst a great reader i was, without complaining to her that i had payed little attention to any other subject. the only downfall was my grades suffered because of it =P

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I don't think that there is a way to deal with students perfectly. You can't prepare for every situation and there will be complicated situations. As long as you do what you think is right, you will be fine. Not every student will love you or agree with what you do but that's the nature of the job. You said that you like to make everyone happy, so I think you need to be careful that you don't let students walk all over you. You have to be firm in your classroom rules. In my opinion, as long as you treat the students with respect, they will respect you back for the most part even when you enforce rules they don't like to go along with. Don't worry about students getting mad at you. They will get over it.


As for the greatest teacher...I can't choose one. I think a trend among the ones I have loved are the ones that acknowledged my hard work and made me feel like a good student. They seemed invested my education and my successes as a student. I remember one of my favorite teachers was my Economics teacher. When I won a senior award for volunteering he was so proud of me and said something about it everytime he saw me. He was one of the hardest teachers I had but that kind of interest sticks with you when you leave the school.


Good luck!

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the greatest teacher i ever had nurtured my talent/hobby...without complaining to her that i had payed little attention to any other subject. the only downfall was my grades suffered because of it =P

Same here, actually my teacher now is like that. I LOVE to sing and she recently took time out of her day to go and see me perform. I really didn't expect her to go, and I'm glad she did. My grade in that class is really suffering, but she's supportive of my decisions and continues to be my teacher and my friend. As much I really like her class, I can't stand doing the homework, and that's what kills me. But she's really nice about it and is willing to give me help when I ask for it. She goes above and beyond her call of duty. lol.

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My favorite teachers treated me like a person who had great potential. They wanted to know my thoughts and encouraged me to strive for the best.


Here is something my favorite teacher shared with me. Perhaps your students will appreciate it.. He had a HOMEMADE poster on his wall with these very words.. I have not forgotten them yet in 12 years and counting.


Watch Your Thoughts, They Become Words.

Watch Your Words, They Become Actions.

Watch Your Actions, They Become Habits.

Watch Your Habits, They Become Charactor.

Watch Your Charactor, It will Become Your Destiny.

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Work personally with each student while working with all of the students as a whole. They will really enjoy the class more when they know that you care about them individually as well. My philosophy professor worked with all of us on an individual basis (outside of class usually) and it really just made it a much better class as most people were enjoying it or at least a little more motivated to be there everyday.


Also, definitely get them into reading, but also do other activities as well. Kids love hands-on or other types of learning. Heck I still do today, haha.

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yeh - southerngirl - I agree, those words are very cool. If you don't mind, I am going to print them out and hang them on my wall and teach them to my kids.


My advice to Weirdya tho - doubt this is BEST adivce but its mine - obviously kids like to be paid attention to, to feel special and recognized. Esp teenagers who are a place where they are really coming into their own, so to speak.


My advice is take the first few months getting to know the children. Pay attention to them, individually. Get to know behaviour patterns, likes, dislikes, their strengths etc. It'll be a lot easier to help them if you know them.

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