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Is what we feel for each othe love?

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Hey all my apologies for this post being too long) please bare with me


Here is something I would have never thought would have happen to me. I met someone on the internet 3 weeks ago. We met online on march 10th.. then set a date on march 11th and another one the following Thursday and the Friday.(3 dates in on week) I have never had a relationship before. She is my first G/F. she had a few other B/Fs in the past. We see each other in school and have amazing chemistry. Last week we French kissed for the first time. I did kiss her on the lip on the 3rd date but that was just a gentle kiss. I am getting so attached to this person that its making me worried in such short time so much chemistry. last week we kinda called each other BF/GF. Indirectly, I dunno how it happened!!! .


When we are at school we hold hands very comfortable around eachother. The other day I was doing my work on my laptop in the library she rolled her arm around my arm and put her head on my shoulder. That was were I though we are having amazing chemistry and things are just so perfect. It feels like I know her for 3 moths NOT 3 WEEKS!!! She said I have never felt like this about anyone before, she is 19 btw turning 20 in 2 months I am 22. and she being my first GF I haven't either.


2 days ago (Friday March 31st) we went on a double date to a movie. Our first movie together. We watched Ice Age Meltdown (funny movie actually) she was telling me how much she was waiting for this so we decided to watch this one. In the theatre we were sitting together hugged each other my head on her head again very emotional for me and I think for her too. After the movie we went for shisha (in case you guy don't know what it is , its an middle eastern thing that you smoke tobacco with different flavours) . we were very quiet in the café I just had my head on her shoulder and enjoying the music my hand was around her shoulder and just going through her hair slowly. When we were going home, she lives quite far from me in another city 60km away. So on the drive back I noticed she was very quiet not saying anything, obviously I was feeling different tonight like something I haven't felt before. It was raining. When I dropped her off I couldn't help it, we kissed for 3 min in the rain.. I was soaked wet but didn't care.


After I got home I told her to come online I had to ask her something, I asked I noticed you were very quiet and that was everything ok. She said I had a weird feeling inside. She said "I am getting attached to you" I said yeah me too. She said I don't know if this is love but its something I haven't felt before in the past with any one. I knew I was falling in love with her there is no other term for what I was feeling at that moment. So told her that and she said that I am falling in love with you. I am wishing we didn't say that too fast to each other and that this is love? It scares me things are going so perfect in such a short time that its like a dream and you are afraid you might wake up.

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Well getting on well is one thing but my personal belif is that you can't love someone until you really know them. That could take months or years. But you might feel really attached because you get on so well which means that 3 months down the line if the relationship is still strong then it probably is ment to be.



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Thats great! Love is special.. cherish her and go with it. I believe that what your feeling is love or something like it.. Enjoy it and dont let your being scared stop it.


If it ends its better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all!


Congrats on your new romance!

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The feelings of love have to start sometime and it seems that they have with you two. But it is early and things can change. Just relax and enjoy the feelings. If they strengthen and grow then that is great, if they start to diminish then you will know that soon enough.

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Things seem to be going very well between the two of you. Make sure you two relax and don't rush things. Get to know each other better and spend quality times together. Don't get way too physical as of yet; afterall everything is still so new.


Good luck and I wish you two happiness!

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Thank you all very much for the input.. we haven't slept with eachother yet.. and since I am a virgin I am not planning to push her either., we spend almost everyday of the week together 4-5 hours in school and I enjoy every second of it.. I told her.. when I said I am falling in love with you I don't want to rush you and she replied that was what she was thinking as well. she didn't want to rush me either, we are always thinking alike. it is happening by itself and to be honest sometimes I say to myself what if its too fast

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I had to tell her that I love her and i did, she said she loves me too. and I have no idea why but I feel like I might lose her. I mean there is absolutely no reason for me to have any fear she said she loves me. the only thing I think is the fact that its happening to fast and I fear that as time passes the love we have might fade away and I don't know what would I do without her. I feel cold inside...

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That's sound all good. I just don't like the feeling I got when a girl who I was just starting to get to know tried to make me say "I love you". Then when I said no, she said "I want to here you say it". After I said it, I started believing I did, and when we never got together and she went back to her ex. It crushed me.


Like wow, I'm never going to say that again if a girl asks. I'm going to say it when I feel it's right.


I think your doing good by making sure it's an intimate moment when you say I love you.

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