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The Pill


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You'll have to talk to a doctor. If you dont have one, or dont want to go to your family doctor with it.. You can go to your local health dept and ask them, alot of times they can get you some free or low cost birth control. The health department in my county even gives out free condoms.

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If you're in the US, birth control pills are available by prescription only. Obtaining them without a prescription from a doctor is illegal.


If you can't/don't want to go through your family dr., you can try Planned Parenthood. Or opt for over-the-counter birth control such as condoms, spermicides or the sponge.

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Both of the above posters are correct--either your local health dept. or Planned Parenthood can assist you with contraception, including the Pill. If you're under 18 and concerned about parental notification, you should call and ask.


Where I live, the health dept. will give out free condoms to anyone who wants them, NO questions asked.


Good health and good luck to you. Hope this helps.

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How can I get on the pill with out talking to a doctor?



Sign Language? Just kidding!


You need to see a doctor to be safe, there are many varieties of BC pills and you need to be placed on the right one. Do not consider ordering anything like this over the Internet. If you are serious about having sex, you need to be serious about BC.



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The birth control pill can have serious risks and complications for some women and it is important to see a doctor. They need to make sure you are in good health and are educated about using the pill.


Besides, if you were to order online without seeing a doctor for a real prescription you honestly you never know what you are really getting.


Otherwise, use an over the counter method like condoms and spermicide.

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