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Worried and Sick...

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Yes it possible that you could be pregnant. Afterall , you had unprotected sex and it can only take one time of not using protection to become pregnant. The fact that you said it only lasted three minutes means nothing.


Most women I think usually don't feel symptoms until around 4 weeks as far as morning sickness, etc. With my two pregnancies, it was about three weeks along that I noticed the morning queasiness.


A missed period is likely to be the first sign of pregnancy that would be noticed.


Your feeling sick however, could be due to the actual worry and stress over wondering if you are pregnant. Worry in itself can do strange things to the body. I am sure your concern over not hearing from your BF since then does not help your stress situation.


I would suggest getting an early pregnancy test if you don't start your period soon. I recommend that if you do not wish to become pregnant to get yourself birth control AND use condoms as an extra safety factor and to protect against any tranmission of possible STD's.


If you have immediate concerns , you can probably locate a womens clinic, or planned parenthood clinic and get some info and a pregancy test. Your parents do not have to know if you chose to seek info and get test.

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First of all are you close enough to tell one of your parents? Or a close friend or someone who is older who might be able to be there for you.


I'm sorry to say it but there is a very high chance that you could be pregnant, especially if your cycle is late. I know how you feel and it can be extremely scarey. But you must go and buy a pregnancy test so that you will know if you are or not and thereforeeee can decide what course of action to take.


Ignoring the issue and worrying about it will get you no-where. You must find out soon.


Try and ask a friend who you trust to go with you to the chemist and be with you for the results. i feel for you.


Take care

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I can't believe in this day and age that people are still doing this!


NEVER EVER rely on a man to have condoms in his pocket!


It's your responsibility to look after yourself. Start carrying condoms everytime you go out!


Try and keep yourself busy so your body has a chance to relax and your period may appear. The only other option is to confide in your Mother but that depends on how close the two of you are?


I hope for your sake that it's the stress and worry that's causing your period to be late.


Good luck

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well as soon as you two establish to have sex, please please please get on bcp. I can't stress, BCP, BCP , BCP.


If you two really care for eachother, talking about it shouldnt be hard. Just remember, respect and honesty are key. good luck!


This is something that vanilla posted on one of your previous threads glitter. Why didn't you get on birth control pills or use some other contraceptive?


You had sex. yes, it is possible you are pregnant. Take a pregnancy test.

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Yes , it is possible that you are pregnant. BUT, if you only did this a week ago... it could be the stress over the whole thing that is causing your period to be late. It is not the end of the world.


I would go to a clinic to get on birth control pills soon. When there, they will give you a pregnancy test to be sure of it before you start the pills. AT least then you will know one way or the other and be able to face this head on.

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I'm 18...My BF and I had unprotected sex about a week ago. I don't know who to talk too... It was my first time and only lasted 3 minutes. I really regret what happened. My cycle is now 4 days late and I feel sick with stomach gurgling and pain. Could I be pregnant??? I have been worried sick ever since... My parents keep asking whats wrong with me but I cant tell them! To make things worse I haven't heard from my BF since this incident. Please god help me!!!!


Calm down. It is not very common for girls to get pregnant on their first time but it is also not impossible.


If you were pregnant you would not be showing signs or getting sick until weeks into missing your period. Your sickness now is more than likely anxiety-related since you are stressing yourself out over the thought of possibly being pregnant.


Most doctors would reccommend you wait for 5 days after your missed period. If after 5 days you don't get your period, then take a pregnancy test. If it comes out negative, you're fine. If it comes out positive, go see a doctor and get a REAL test since home pregnancy tests can be faulty.


I know how nerve-racking it is to think that you could be pregnant but don't stress yourself out TOO much until you know for sure because it will do you no good.


In some of your other posts you have mentioned sex and have been advised to get on birth control if you decided to be active. Why didn't you?


Well, I hope everything turns out ok! Keep us updated!

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A quick trip to the drug store ASAP for a home pregnancy test will put your mind at ease fairly quickly. You might want to buy a package that has two tests -- you can take one now, then re-test if your period doesn't start in another week or so.


If you don't want to go through this (or waiting for the results of an STD test) again, then take responsibility for yourself, buy some condoms, keep a few in your purse, and have him use one next time.

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I wasn't on BCP because I had no way to get it.


All you had to do was go to any women's clinic and tell them your situation. If you had no car you could find a ride from a friend or take a taxi or a bus or something. If you had no money I'm sure the clinic could work something out for you. Many clinics will even give them out for free because they would rather have you be protected then wind up getting pregnant. I don't mean to sound mean but there is no excuse.

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thank you everyone for your replies... I wasn't on BCP because I had no way to get it. I will have to confide in my parent soon which won't be easy. I'll probably be taking a test within the next couple days. I'll keep you updated.


well, I think it's a lot easier to get on birth control pills than it is to have to arrange to get an abortion, or give birth to a baby! If you don't have the means to get on the pills or get a condom, you shouldn't be having sex!

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Yes, you could be. It does not matter if it was your 1st time, or 110th time, it's still possible. It being your first has NOTHING to do with your risk of being pregnant or not.


It is also possible you aren't and stress is causing the delay.


Take a pregnancy test, they are only about $10 at a drugstore and pretty accurate when you are already late.


And if you are having sex, you have the responsibility to protect yourself against not only pregnancy but STI's. If you think getting the BCP or birth control is a "hassle" wait until you are pregnant or diagnosed with a STI. That's more then an inconvenience.

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well my period ended up coming four days ago and its normal...


Im going to see a gynocologist next week and will get on birth control


Yay! Never thought you'd be happy to get your period did you? I know the feeling, trust me. I am very proud of you for going to the gynocologist and getting on birth control. If you're going to do adult things you need to make adult decisions and getting on birth control is definitely a good one!

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