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Funny Story: Sleep sex

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:sleeping: Anyone ever sleep talk? Sleep walk? I have beat you all!


Me and my boyfriend had sex the other night like usual, went to sleep because we were both super tired. I took note of the time (11:00) before we went to sleep. I woke up, all delerious from being in a deep sleep, and I was riding him. I was so confused and still half asleep. I wasn't sure if he was asleep too or if he knew that I was asleep! I looked at the clock and it was only 11:15! I started waking up a little more, we finished, and he just let out an "I... am so... tired". I giggled and said "me too" and we went to sleep again.


I asked him the next day what the hell that was and he didnt remember! He was like "what??? seriously?" Then he thought about it and was kind of like "oooooh yaaaaaaaah hahahahaha". So i guess we were both kind of asleep LOL. Craaaaaaaaziness eh?

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My husband is a sleep walker and sleep talker....he also tends to start sexual encounters in his sleep...and either 1.) doesn't remember it at all in the morning, or 2.) starts something he can't finish because it's during his sleep...and he'll just fall right back to sleep (yeah that's certainly annoying)


I call him the night-perve.


Sometimes he still thinks I'm making it all up because he really has no recollection of it. Hmmmm....maybe I should whip out the camera next time to prove it to him....lol




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That's happened to me!! I woke up one time and my husband and I were making out! After we were... done... I said, kinda sheepishly, "Honey? I don't remember how that got started." He laughed at me and said that he was just coming to bed, and I smiled at him, wiggled my eyebrows, and grabbed him and started kissing him! I couldn't believe it - I seriously didn't wake up until he was rarin' to go! I'm so glad I don't have to worry about birth control right now (I'm pregnant) or that would really freak me out!

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I'm so glad I don't have to worry about birth control right now (I'm pregnant) or that would really freak me out!


Wow- I never even thought about that aspect of it. If you're relying on condoms and then sleep sex occurs. That would be terrible.


-Makes me glad I'm on the pill!




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  • 2 weeks later...

Me and my boyfriend have done that loads. We'd wake up and be rubbing our hands all over each other, and just have to do it there and then! Sometimes we'd wake up and actually be doing it, and just keep our eyes shut, do it, roll over and go back to sleep! I found it hilarious!

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