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obsessed with losing weight

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I am so obsessed with losing weight, I take diet pills and laxatives, I will take like six to eight laxatives a day. I weigh myself about three or four times a day to keep track of how much weight I have lost. I only eat things that are less than 80 calories. I don't go out with my friends anymore because I think I'm to fat. I hate feeling this way, because i feel ugly and unattractive. I don't know how to stop feeling so bad about myself.

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I am so obsessed with losing weight, I take diet pills and laxatives, I will take like six to eight laxatives a day. I weigh myself about three or four times a day to keep track of how much weight I have lost. I only eat things that are less than 80 calories. I don't go out with my friends anymore because I think I'm to fat. I hate feeling this way, because i feel ugly and unattractive. I don't know how to stop feeling so bad about myself.


I suggest you get yourself to a specialist in eating disorders and body image ASAP.


What you are doing - taking diet pills, laxatives and drastically limiting your calorie intake is actually doing not only serious harm to your body, but also will not allow you to maintain a healthy weight and you are really self-sabotaging yourself. You will become nutritionally deficient, retain more weight, lose bone loss, weaken your arteries, increase your risk of heart failure and other nasty things like brain damage through electrolyte imbalances. Weighing yourself four times a day is also counterproductive as EVERYONE will gain and lose during the day as they hydrate, eat, pee, and so forth.



There is nothing wrong with wanting to be the best you can, but you are really harming yourself this way. I used to be anorexic, and can tell you it's a horrible place to be. I now weigh more then I did then but FEEL 1,000 times better, more confident, and guarantee looking sickly and think is not attractive. I eat healthy, but I get all my nutrients, have energy, and keep fit with exercise. Calories are important. They are what keep you alive, keep your body functioning, keep your brain working. Just choose the right ones.


Realize this is as much a "mental" issue as a body image issue - get help.

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How much do you weigh? are you seriuosly overwheight to the point where it harms your health? Even if you are, i'm sure it is harming you worse to obssess about it all the time.


If you really do need to lose weight, try excersize and cardio instead of diet pills and laxitives. Much more healthy and you will feel alot better about yourself.


If you are in the "normal" weight range and you still feel like this you should go see a therapist.

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You obviously know you are hurting your body. I have the same problem. I really thought I could "cure" myself. That I could eat healthy all on my own and completely break those habits. Believe me habits are hard to break. You could go online and read about healthy eating habits and all that stuff but what would really be helpful is getting counseling. Just talking to someone about whats going on will make a world of difference. Building self esteem is key.

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I am so obsessed with losing weight, I take diet pills and laxatives, I will take like six to eight laxatives a day. I weigh myself about three or four times a day to keep track of how much weight I have lost. I only eat things that are less than 80 calories. I don't go out with my friends anymore because I think I'm to fat. I hate feeling this way, because i feel ugly and unattractive. I don't know how to stop feeling so bad about myself.




I could have written your post myself when I was in my early 20s... I'm in my 30s now and have been seeing a counsellor for eight months or so...


I used to weigh myself around 10-20 times per day and count every calorie I ate (limited myself to under 100 cals but max 800 cals per day) then exercise enough to have negated the calories I had eaten that day. A 'successful' day would be where I had exercised 'more calories' off than I had eaten... At other times, I'd only drink black coffee and eat a small apple for the whole day... I also took strong diet pills to have no appetite and when they ran out, I'd take illegal drugs so I didn't eat. I was at my thinnest ever. And I still wasn't happy.


I'm glad you're reaching out for help with this - because years of doing this to myself has completely screwed my metabolism. It's really dangerous stuff... I now weigh probably 40 kilos more than I did then... And I probably won't take off most of this weight now.. Because my body has become an efficient fat-storing machine after years of starving myself and screwing with my metabolism... I've only just learned what being hungry actually feels like. And I've had to finally admit that I will never have the 'perfect' body... But you know what? I'm much more at peace with myself than I've ever been because I value *who* I am - not what I look like. And my self-esteem is booming - far more than when I was much thinner than I am now.


I know it's hard when there's so many images around us that 'tell us' what we 'should' look like - and it's even harder when your parents or boyfriend or friends - or whoever - tell you you need to lose weight all the time.


Stand strong - get help with a good body image counsellor who will help you see that your body fits within a very wide range of 'normal' body types, shapes and sizes. This is a psychological issue, not a physical one.


Then once you've conquered this difficult time, start concentrating on building on the very many amazing skills and talents you have... and get out and be with people you like, doing things you love, with a spring in your step and confidence in your heart... instead of wasting so much of your precious life weighing out your enjoyment of being a human being, gram by gram, calorie by calorie...


Life's just too short!


I wish you the best of luck on this journey! You can feel good about yourself just the way you are... I promise!



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Please seek out professional help. I used to date an anorexic. She was OK when we started but her self image went down as her stress increased. The last time I saw her before she left me she was nothing but skin and bones. I begged her to get help, I really hope she did.


It is a mental illness, there's nothing wrong with your body. Please stop hurting yourself.

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