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Everything posted by FauxGypsy

  1. First off, I did read the whole thread. I didnt accuse you of anything I just simply asked a question. I dont think anything is wrong with that. You really cant expect everyone on this forum to know your intentions, how you were raised or anything about your personal history. Some people may follow your posts, and those people offered an explination. Let me just say this ...this is a forum on the internet, there are no facial expressions to be seen or tone of voice to be heard so if someone asks for something to be cleared up dont get offended. No accusations were thrown @ you.
  2. You obviously know you are hurting your body. I have the same problem. I really thought I could "cure" myself. That I could eat healthy all on my own and completely break those habits. Believe me habits are hard to break. You could go online and read about healthy eating habits and all that stuff but what would really be helpful is getting counseling. Just talking to someone about whats going on will make a world of difference. Building self esteem is key.
  3. Not everyone is shy w/ people they like. So that doesnt mean you're in the friend-zone. If you really want to know wether or not you're in the "zone" ask her out on a date.
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