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question about exercising

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I just recently started to excercise, and after one day of doing it, my legs are killing me. I was told this is because I'm not used to working these muscles like I am. Well, my question was, should I wait for my legs to stop hurting before I continute excerising? Or should I just keep on doing it while they are hurt? It isn't severe pain, they are just sore. I wasn't sure if working out while they were sore made was better for your body, or worse.

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As long as they are just sore, you can keep doing it. Be careful not to starin yourself to the point that you hurt yourself too much to continue working out. You should be resting your muscles between workouts. If you work out three times a week and do different groups each time, you will leave about a week between working the same muscles, which will be plenty of time for the to recoup. Go at that pace for a hwile until you get into the swing of things.

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I think that you should wait until your legs are not sore anymore to work them again. BUT, in the meatime, I suggest that you're doing crunches or pushups. Alternate.


Trust me, they do become easier, and your legs and other muscles will not hurt the more you get into your routine.

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It depends what you are doing. You should really vary your routine, and not for example work lower body EVERYDAY.


If you are running/cycling or other cardio, try running every other day, as you will actually enjoy it more and stick to it longer according to long term studies. You will also actually get faster and fitter because you are giving your body time to recuperate and be ready for greater efforts rather then running on empty so to speak.


If you are lifting weights, work out upper body (chest & back) one day, legs another, upper body (arms & shoulders) another.


You need to rest muscles between workouts as they need time to recover and recuperate, and rebuild. You get stronger BETWEEN workouts, not during them. Your heart also needs time to rest, and you brain..it's very easy to get burned out if you try to do too much all at once.


Muscles will get sore anytime you are doing something new, or lifting heavier, or running faster. Just give them time to recover and do something that works another part of the body and make sure you do yoga or STRETCH gently in between workouts.

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Yous should give your legstime to get better, as the reason for your pain is due to a build up of lactic acid. Also you can exercise the same muscle group with a minimum of 48 hours (2days) gap between them, this gives best results. But it has been shown that you loose these effects quicker once you stopped exercising. So I would suggest working each muscle group twice a week. And as the others have said, vary your exercises. And as I learnt at school. Apply the rules of SPORT while training.


S - Cant even remember what this one was lol.

P - Progression

O - Overload

R - Repetition

T - Tedium


If ya want me to explain them, just ask.


Good luck and don't overtrain or you wont see benifits.



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It is normal to be sore after exercise, especially if you have not been active in a while. I remember when I first started weight training, the day after my first lower body workouts- my calves hurt so bad that I could barely walk.


Be sure to stretch, both before and after your workouts. Be sure to drink plenty of water. Until your legs feel bettter- work on your upper body, or choose a lower impact exercise.


A hot bath in epsom salt can also help soothe sore muscles.




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Muscle soreness during or following exercise is due to the build up of lactaid acid. The pain may be immediate or delayed. If the pain is mild, then by all means, continue. If it is substantial, then STOP.


After exercising for about 2 weeks, and with very gradual increases in the duration, intensity and frequency of you workouts, you won't be sore anymore.It is important to work alternate muscle groups on consecutive days and include low intensity exercise, such as walking, to your routine.


I don't recommend stretching before your workout because your muscles are cold. Try doing a little bit of warmup first, then stretch. It is critical to stretch AFTER your workout.


And remember, your muscles are not used to being stretched to the extent you are stretching them now. There are actually very, very minor tears in the muscles you are working and that is why it is important to KEEP working out, as long as the pain isn't severe.


Best of luck.



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