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Text - she says accidentally - from ex...

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Hi guys,


My ex-gf dumped me about three months ago (at Xmas) and two days later had a new bf who I believe she is still with.


We've had no contact since - she treated me horrible after and so I broke all contact - it seemed like that is what she wanted anyway from her behaviour.


Haven't heard a thing from her since. Tonight I received two texts from her...the first saying, " soz i aint text back till now ive just got in but its 315333! i think ur startin at 10 coz i think im trainin ya again! well cya sat xx"


The second saying, "sorry it wasnt meant for you"


So...genuine mistake or deliberate? It's confused me that's for sure, I haven't been thinking about her lately, now I am again

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I am of the opinion that it was deliberate.


Might seem silly, I know, but I am an avid texter and it's not that easy to make a mistake, really. The only time I ever made a mistake was when replying to a message. Obviously as you haven't talked to her in several months, that's not likely.


My ex did the same thing to me once. Sent me a weird text where it seemed it was obviously not meant for me, then when I said "huh"?, started talking to me and apologized because it was the "wrong #". He later admitted that he wanted to talk to me and didn't know what to do.


I know it sounds strange, but I still think she did it on purpose. In order for her to have sent it to the wrong person, she would have had to go into her contacts, get the person, not notice that it said your name in the To: field and then send.


That's just my opinion of course. I suppose that there's a one in a million chance that she "Woops", texted her ex.....

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well people get used to it, like when you send a person a message all the time, you dont think while punching in the numbers. So when you're not thinking, it's really possible that you send the message to the other number by mistake, it happened before & I've seen it happen as well.


So in your situation, we can't really tell..

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I guess it is possible - but seeing as we haven't spoken for three months and she has a new boyfriend I find it unlikely I have to say. She wrote it as though she was replying to a text...so how did she end up sending it to me?! Not like she would have texts from me in her inbox.


The only other way is if she has more than one person with my name on her phone. In which case, considering we had a very volatile break-up and she also has a new bf, I would be surprised if she didn't make certain she wasn't sending it to the wrong person! If I had two people with her name on my phone, I would be sure to make sure I didn't send it to her.


I don't know. It's all very weird. I don't intend to reply, in which case, I guess it doesn't matter either way.

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mis-texting happens all the time... i constantly send texts intended for my gf to my cousin... he usually says he loves me too. : ) anyway, the whole treating bad thing, i wouldnt doubt it. usually ex's do anything and everything in their power to show you they are doing JUST fine without you. trust me, both my ex's have ex-itus to the extreme and wont let me forget it. just dont let her get to you.


dr clay prescribes doing whatever it is you do. football, painting, singing, playing guitar, whatever is your hobby. get to know yourself a bit, and forget all about girls and your ex. then when you know who you are again, and your confidence is back, get a new girl. good luck, man

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Thanks guys for your replies. I think it was intentional too - again for the fact that she realised she sent it. If I have ever accidentally sent someone a text, which is very rare let's face it, I've only realised when they have replied and said, "What?!".


I don't really understand why she text that to be honest. Why not just say "Hi, how are you?" if that is what she intended!?


She isn't a nice person anyway - she dumped me for someone new and isn't exactly being trustworthy to him now either is she. I am sure he wouldn't be happy with her texting her ex - if, that is, it wasn't a mistake!

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I've done this before, the accidental text. The one thing you know now is that she still has your number in her phone. Screw her though, she is a waste of time if she can just move on like that.





I really know where your coming from. I'm telling you, a girl that would leave you because she found someone new is the biggest waste of time anyone can even think of. On the inside, beyond whatever physical attratction you feel towards her, is not a good person. Looks fade, she is going to have to deal with it when there are no looks to hide the worthless person that she will probably never improve on and that guy dumps her. Girls like that have self esteem problems and think they need to hurry up and get whatever guys they can sucker into getting attatched to them.


Hope things get better for you

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LOL I actually did this once, sent a text to my ex truly by accident, no games or anything, it was totally work related bologne and her name was right below my coworkers on my phone list and i was driving and well....you get the idea. I was in the middle of NC with her so I completely freaked out as soon as I saw what I did, it was like I just threw away tons of work NOT contacting her because I was a clutz. I hated myself for days just for pushing the wrong button..funny how it is the little things that get you.

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