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I had a bad black out from alcohol. Help?

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You need to go back to the doctors and tell them that the pills they gave you aren't working. Secondly, you need to stop using alchohol that way or you'll become an addict! I suggest you talk to the doctors about that too. They may give you a blood test to check your liver?


Good luck and take care of yourself.

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That happened to me New Years for 2004 for about an hour. OMG dude, when I woke up my bestfriend was there and the whole var basketball team at the high school helped me down some stairs. COming out of it I was so drunk everything was a blur and people could in now way understand what I was seeing.


I thought I was dieing, then my dad and uncle came and I went to the hospital. Blacking out in the car and on the way to the hospital. I was gone for about an hour at the part. PAst new years.


Crazy thing that your brain can't remember. You shouldn't have black outs if you drink a few shots dude. Alcohol is not like weed though, if you drink too much your body can't take it. Remember that.


It can kill you.


If I were you I would just try that same method of a few shots, do NOT over do it. They say only alcoholics have blackouts, but thats bs.


Just don't over do it.

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Um, yeah, stay away from alcohol poisoning - it's hard core. If you get hypothermia, go to a hospital RIGHT AWAY because you are ABOUT TO DIE.




It just sounds like you are overly shy. Sounds like you need to stop taking pills for it and learn how to do it - just like everyone else.


Have you thought about talking to your professor .... That's his/her job you know! I'm sure he/she has dealt with this dozens of times. Go ask for some help. And relax, it's just a class. When are you ever going to need to speak in public?

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  • 2 weeks later...

there seems to be two things going on here probably you need to deal with them separately - the first ; drinking; escapism is easy, the hard path is facing up to what ever you are escaping, go easy on yourself at alltimes, not being hard on yourself, and others and findong forgiveness and gratitude everywhere.


the other problem of speaking infront of people; practice in front of the mirror & with friends, then try the Eastern method of looking deeply into the situation and exploring your fear to see it dissolve as you go further and further into your imagination.



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Or you could do what I do. Use props or video or slides as aids to your speech. I was to travel abroad. I had done many speeches before so I wasn't scared. The hard part was that I had neved had to ask for money from an organization before to help with travel. I got to the meeting and started my speech. There were 12 people or so and thet looked at me and said, ":step closer please, we are having a hard time hearing you" OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CRAP. I stepped closed and started again. DISASTER ok. My voice came out as achirp, my face got fire engine red, I got sweaty, I wanted to puke, and... I forgot what I wanted to say. Fast forward to after my trip. Yes, I did get the money, but I got a letter in the mail stating that I was tio be the key note speaker at this organizations annuakl meeting. Great, not my best idea right? No, as it turns out, I had to give a speech infront of 1000+ people. I did not want to go, but hey, I had to do it. I took items, pictures, slides and photos to my speech. It turned out to be my best speech. Don't get me wrong, I had given speeches before. Some were good and some not as good. Having to get up and give another speech after bombing the one before was very theraputic. I had to get over the fears that I had created. If you can take the pressure off yourself by having something for others to concentrate on, you would feel a whole lot better. Just because you are the only one standing up doesn't mean that others are judging you. They more than likely are worried about what they have to do. Are they all really listening? They are rooting for you not against you..

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Wow, I have the same fear too. If I were to give a public speech I would be like sweating a bit and my voice would vary from louder to lower or vice-versa, I dunno, just can't seem to get over that. So yea, I would stil, have a struggle with it, so you're not only. You can try parcticing in front of a mirror and ignore those pills. Pills tend to backfire. And yea, don't ever drink like that again, thnax glad you didn't pass out.

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