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What are the common phobias here ?

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OUt of curiosity, I wondered what are some of the common everyday phobia's people encounter here.???

For me it is arachnophobia. I have this intense insane fear of spiders. There is NO other bug, creature, critter, that I am afraid of , other than a spider.

I can talk about them somewhat, and photos of spiders instill a bit of anxiety. However if I see a live one, I go in to complete uncontrolled hysterics. I start to cry hysterically, my heart pounds, and I feel as though I can hardly breathe. I run like the wind when I see a spider . Its like something takes over and I just bolt when I see them.

The bigger they are and the more weird they look or act instills the most fear in me . Where I live in Alabama we have some BIG BIG spiders. The most common ones I encounter here are what we call " grass spiders" and "garden spiders" . There is another one that I dont know what it is, but it horrifies me. The grass spiders are notorious for wanting to come indoors. I keep insecticides sprayed around my home, but now and then they will creep in. They are huge, ugly, fast and scary. Its just been on my mind because spring is here and the spiders are coming out again. I wish there were some way to overcome my fear. No luck so far . ](*,)


Anyway, just wondered who else suffers from spider phobia, or any phobias of any type.

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I have a slight case of claustrophobia. I dislike crowded places, and have blacked out once in a crowd of people when I couldn't move anywhere.


I hate clowns and mimes, but I am not sure if that counts as a phobia. I stayed in Circus Circus in Las Vegas when I was a kid, and that was a living hell for me.

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I have a slight case of claustrophobia. I dislike crowded places, and have blacked out once in a crowd of people when I couldn't move anywhere.I hate clowns and mimes, but I am not sure if that counts as a phobia.


Same here, also have a fear of big dogs or the pitbulls, if I see one of them I try to act cool, but inside I'm like trembling, it's like it's gonna bite me. Then use to have a thing for elevations, got rid of it, but not the one where I kinda get dizzy in very crowded spaces.

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It seems to me your irrational fear has begun to take hold of you. Why do they terrify you so? HOW can those little eight-legged creatures frighten you out of sanity? Some traumatic experiece, somehow only loosely related to spiders--say, in childhood? For example, someone may be afraid "indirectly" of bats. If you were somehow lost in the woods for a long time, separated from your party and you found a nest of bats--not to say bats cannot be frightening, but what really startled you is the fact you were lost. Every time a bat is sighted, you recall the immense lonliness and thus fear that which triggers the memory; bats.


I myself am not afraid of any reasonable thing; I fear "nothing" in essense. That is, the idea beyond comprehension; oblivion is...what? Man fears that of which he does not understand, and I have such a mindset that I have time to think on eccentric things such as oblivion and nothingness. The thought that I will one day reach oblivion--for I am devoutly athiest--antagonizes me that it is something that I will never know; for the word "oblivion" means unawareness. I want to know about it before I reach it and then it is too late to matter. Just like any religion; why do people want to know whether there is a Heaven or Hell? Just to know. But, if it does exist, of course you'll figure it out. But, of course, that is not the intent.


Try to find out why you fear these spiders.

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I hate clowns and mimes, but I am not sure if that counts as a phobia. I stayed in Circus Circus in Las Vegas when I was a kid, and that was a living hell for me.


Dude, Circus Circus IS hell....and we just walked through it because my husband was collecting casino chips from every place along the strip.


I'm none too fond of anything reptilian...snakes, my former boss....even the Geico gecko sorta creeps me out.

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Just like any religion; why do people want to know whether there is a Heaven or Hell? Just to know. But, if it does exist, of course you'll figure it out. But, of course, that is not the intent.


I dunno why, there is no such thing as God, nor Heaven nor Hell. All to respect, I think religion is like a big ignornace to society. They lead the people to believe there is a supreme god, someone else, like a supernatural, when there isn't. We're all just ordinary people, no better not worst than one another.

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Fun Topic!!


I have a fear of heights. I hate being on the very top part of building & then people persuade me to come & look down. It makes me very nervous & I start to get sick, fearing that I may fall off of the building.


When I visit my parents hometown,They have a pier where people walk on & to fish. I hate to get on it because I hate the ocean & I'm always extra cautious lol. I always think I'll end up falling off of the pier & fall into the ocean! I can't swim & I have a fear of the ocean.


I'm also afraid of very dark,vacant places. It makes me paranoid!

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Oh forgot to mention one thing I still don't think I gotten over. If I were to make a public speech in front of like more than 300 people, lots of people and I'm there on the auditorium or somewhere else u make public speeches, then I can already feel sweating, faces turns crimson, voice would lower. Stage fright, I think that's my worst out of worst fears, thats the one I can't seem to not make it obvious.

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Ailec, while I agree with you as I am devout and practicing atheist myself, I think we should be careful of words like ignorant in describing a whole, whole bunch of people who could be offended.


Tesseract, as an atheist, I know what you're saying about being, as you said quite well, "antagonized" by the idea of no longer being. Are you sure you're only 14?


Anyway, I was going to write the same thing essentially. I constantly contemplate, maybe to the degree of a phobia, no londer being here or being (living) at all.


I think I also have a fear of getting old, prolly cuz that leads to certain death, until we find a cure for it....


I know fear of getting old has a specific name, but I dunno what it is off the top of my head, I forgot...first thing to go is the memory

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I'm afraid of lots of things! I'm afraid of spiders and EARWIGS. I'm afraid of the dark. I'm afraid of hitting someone with my car and killing them. I'm afraid of being tortured. I'm afraid of failure and heartbreak. I also have some weird form of agoraphobia, the fear of open spaces, I'm afraid of public places when they're empty.

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Not to creep anybody out or anything, but I HAVE to share this...


my four year old LOVES bugs. I have a really hard time because I don't. But, I don't want to crush her natural curiosity or love of the little guys so we encourage her. It comes in handy when there's bugs in the house too, cuz she'll get 'em.


Anyway, for her birthday we got an entomologist who gives presentations at b-day parties and schools and stuff, to come out with his bug collection. She was holding tarantulas (although very briefly cuz even she got a bit scared) giant milipedes (she loved those, she held a ton of those) scorpions, all kinds of those things.


My daughter BEGGED me to hold one of the milipedes.


Because I didn't want to disappoint her or make her think there is anything to be afraid of, or make her think she's weird for liking them, yada yada parent stuff... I held one!


IT WAS SOOOOO FREAKY, but I got a lot closer to getting over it. After a while, it wasn't so bad.


And then I quickly found party things that I needed to attend to.


Face your fears! Get into a pool of really big, long, hairy-legged spiders and just start swimming!

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In high school I carried a king snake in my pocket in a cloth bag. Lots of folks liked to hold it, but sometimes a few "tough guys" would scream like babies when I took him out. Really bizarre.

Of course I never exploited their fear.


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