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first love/ question for the guys

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I don't think it's just guys that feel this way.


I'm still in love with a few of the girls from my past, the ones I was in love with when we were together. I wish them all the best and all the happiness in the world. Part of me wants to be (and hopes that I'm) still special to them.

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I don't think this is something all guys feel, nor do I think that "never forgetting" is the same as "wanting them back". It is very individual to the person and the circumstances. I mean I would find it sad if you "never got over" your first love as I think you are possibly missing out on other great people, and the "last loves" of your life by doing so.


I remember the people I loved, and care about them, and the experiences we had, but I don't want them back, nor do I feel that relationship with them is above the ones that came after it, or the one I am in now. I care about them, but I am "over" them. To me it's the "last one" that matters the most!


I would never "forget" someone I loved, whether they were first, or third!


That being said, I ran into my "first love" a few months ago...and I was HIS first love. I had long moved on and we I expect are very different people now (we dated when I was 13-15ish), but it was nice to see him and see where he is at in life. Turned out HE had always wondered what if and had actively looked for me for about 10 years, always feeling he may have missed out on something (and in fact not even marrying his long term gf of 9 years as he wondered if he had made right choices and wondered about me....sheesh!). So you never know....some people do remember people more actively, and do indeed wonder if something can be rekindled.

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I know that my husband has never gotten over his first love....but by the same token, I have never gotten over mine either. My situation may be a bit more complex than most because I actually had my first love's child (and he doesn't know about it) so I think about him everyday and have for over 20 years.


Kinda makes me wonder....



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When a person gets into your heart, they stay there forever. A part of you will always love them. You will always remember that time you shared together, the way they made you feel. Feelings do not die, they do not fade away. You love them, now and forever. A part of you will always miss what you had and wonder what things would have been like had they turned out differently. What happens is that another person comes along with whom you share a stronger love and bond. And that person you are with forever.

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