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I want to share my progress with all my friends that are on here heart broken and feeling sad and blue..Its going on to nearly 5 months and i finally have started to slowly get her monkey of my back..the road has been long , there were many sleeples nights but now i want to thank her..THANK YOU CRIS..thank you for breaking my heart, thank you for making me 100 times better than i was before..thank you for setting me free and allowing me to becoem ME again..i post this picture not to show off, but so all you can witness what heart broken determintion has lead me too..in 4 motnhs i have compeltly revamped my body..22 pounds lighter and still going...i am fuled by fuery .. every day for the past 4 motnhs YOU cris have helped me become this better person and finally i have arrived were i want to be...content and happy and actually greatful for not being in this toxic engagemnt we called a relationship. there were many many days at work that i would hold on to hope..read and read the same post on getting back together..hoping , holding on to every word you said like it was a hidden clue to what you were feeling, but no more..because of you my network of old friends has grown stronger, my new network will probably with me for a very long time..i can say i can count on these people more than i could ever count on you and your flaky asss..not only was this a better trade for me, but will probably benefit me in the long term...my attitude has changed..happy , care free and ready to tackle life every day...and all becasue of you..so instead of sending this thank you letter to you , an undesrving person of my time, money and energy..i will share it with the people that need it most..total strangers that have been here for me..day in and day out..every day that i falsy believed that i was healed just to come back on here and confess to all what a fool i had made of myself...strangers i can count on...something i could never say for you..So cris and all myfriends here THANK YOU .. thank you for your patience, kindeness , and most importantly your senserity. I wish this will shed a lil hope in this endless dark tunnel some of you just started your journey on and maybe even encourage others to pick up the pieces and start moving on slowly. I LOVE U ALL

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What an awesome post sukerbut!!!

It reminds me of that song "Fighter" by Christina Aguilera.

Let your story be a lesson to those left heartbroken. That if you hold on for a little bit longer, you'll end up a better person in the end.

I have seen so often that the person hurt the most in a relationship, ends up the stronger person.

Thank you for sharing your post!

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Dako thank you..it has not been easy..these past four and half months have been very taxing...my self worth was completely destroyed..i could not understand how i can be so easily thrown to the curb by the same woman not once , not twice , but three times...how easy it was for her to move on, after she falsly made me believe that this time would be for real. how cruel she was to me when it wazs all over.how mercylessly took my happiness away from me .but after many hours of torturing myself..questionis been replayed in my mind over and over..searching for answers that did not exist...i was also working .. working hard on myself and my body.. rebuilding the network of friends that i had and creating new and long lasting friendships..it took time and persevirance..there were days and night that i just wanted to stay home and feel bad..but i could not allow myself to be bought down by this woman any more..she sucked the life out of me..she really did..for the first time in 30 yrs i wanted to get married and she was the only woman i ever thought about doing that with..and she knew it..she knew it when she got in this again. but she was so self centered and selfish that she did not care whom she hurts..i meant nothing to her, just another guy that crossed her path again..our history did not matter .. it was all about her..she made sure i knew this also...so Cris once again thank you and i truly hope our paths never cross again. !!!!

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