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I have been so frustrated with my life. I feel like there's something in this world specifically intended for me to find, and I'm not finding it. Something I'm supposed to do to change and fulfill myself.


Does anyone else feel this way?


Then the thought crosses my mind that there's nothing, and that the feeling is completely unrational...and I wonder if I'm completely losing my mind.


I'm in a "good" situation - my parents will pay for me to go to school (I have decided to not go right now), I have an okay job, and I have an amazing boyfriend who I have been with for two years and would drop everything and marry him if it wouldn't break my parent's hearts as I suspect it would.


I feel like I'm either very strange, or like everyone feels this way but either doesn't grasp it fully, or just doesn't like to talk about it. I feel like this applies to everyone, so I would really, really, really appreciate answers, even if they are limited to "No, I never feel that way" or "You're stupid" or "Yes! I feel that way all the time!" Thanks in advance!

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Hmmm.... I too feel this way at times. One thing I could suggest though is to go to school as soon as possible. If you keep delaying it there is a chance your situation will change and you won't be able to go in the future. Right now im applying to grad school while I finish my senior year in college. I feel that if I don't do this now, ill get older and have more hardships to deal with such as rent, working, etc. So I feel it is wise to get this done as soon as possible.

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I feel that too, and i think i'm absolutly crazy at times. Like this strange pull toward i don't know what, but that there's something in this world that i'm supposed to accomplish, change, or impact in some way. It gets really frustrating because i don't know what it is, or how i'm supposed to find out or if i'm actually just insane, lol. I'm 15 and i felt this for about 5 years now, at first i wasn't sure, but now i'm pretty sure theres something out there i'm supposed to do thats calling me. i dont' know if you're religious but i've decided to believe it's God calling me toward something and when the time's right i'll know what it is, but for now, he just wants me to be aware that theres something i have to be ready for. I don't know if that helped or if thats what you're feeling, but if it is, then just know you aren't the only one

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