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This sounds stupid, but I'm such a hypochondriac. I'm always afraid that there's something seriously wrong with me and terrified that I have some fatal disease that is going to kill me unknowingly.


For example, I started getting the worst indigestion last week (I started a new eating routine so I assume it's from that) and it hasn't gone away. I started taking Zantac (acid reducer) and although it's working and my indigestion is much better than it was, of course my stomach and throat are still 'burned' from not being given a moment's rest in the past week. Well now I'm sure I have stomach cancer or some other fatal disease, an ulcer, etc.


If it hasn't cleared up by Friday I plan on going to the doctor, and I already know what tests they would do to me, etc. I'm terrified because my stomach is still acidy and that my throat is 'burned' and feels uncomfortable. "Maybe I have a tumor in my throat? Maybe I have stomach cancer? Maybe they'll want to do an endoscopy?" Having all these thoughts are unbearable and I've burst into tears a few times today already worrying about it. I'm sure that is helping my acidic stomach.


In any case, even though I've thought it through and I know it's because my stomach needs to heal, I'm still horrified and worried all the time. It's truly annoying.


Is anyone else like this? Worried there is something seriously wrong with them over pretty much nothing? Sooooooo terribly annoying and there's nothing I can do to calm myself!!!



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I had to answer your post because I am a hypochondriac myself. I fully understand how tiring and annoying it is. I think it's apart of the generalized anxiety disorder that I have. What I've come to finally realize is that, it's your minds way of distracting yourself from really dealing with stresses and concerns going on in your life. I've realized whenever something is going on in my life that stresses me out (which is often) I automatically start obsessing over a symptom. But when I'm so into the worry and obsessive thoughts over my health, I normally feel as if I'm a 100% positive that it has nothing to do with being stressed and that something is seriously wrong with me. So I think by remaining ALL consummed with my health, I don't have to sit around and think about University, or work or anything else for that matter. It's amazing how when the stress goes away and so does the symptom. Worry can definitely cause a lot of upset acidy stomach and many other similar symptoms. So I think your obsessive thoughts are definitely making your stomach worse. A lot of people with anxiety, also suffer from irritable bowl syndrome. There's a great site called link removed They have a great forum there, where I'm sure you'll find a lot of people like yourself and myself! d

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wow...omg i'm the same way...i had the same problem. I'm such a worrier...I had stomach problems like that too and it turned out to be the early stages of acid reflex, or really bad heartburn basically. But yeah..i mean I find myself worring constantly. I've had this problem most of my life and cant figure out why i cant control this worrying. I've tried talking with my parents about seeing a doctor about this uncontrollable worry, but no matter what i do i cant stop myself from this constant worry..do u find yourself faced with the same problem? I havnt known anyone to have the same feelings that i have, and i'm just wondering if there is anyone else out there who might also have the same problem...cuz i'm totally clueless as to why i have soo much uncontrolled stress and worry at such a young age..

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You guys thank you so much for responding, it's a real comfort to me that someone else is always worrying like me!


Orangecounty, I do have IBS. Interesting isn't it how those two are so connected? (anxiety and IBS). Thanks for the website I am checking it out right now.


Troublegal, I have been like this since I was young as well, and I'm 24 now. It's so frustrating! I am CONSTANTLY worried about everything, not just my health. It's probably Generalized Anxiety Disorder to be honest, but I have never been diagnosed or anything. Doctors just want to give you antidepressants and no one who isn't like this could ever understand how consuming all the thoughts are.

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I'm a wicked hypochondriac...my only problem is I hate the doctors, and I'm deathly afraid of surgery. So I worry that things are wrong but I never get reassurance that they are not! I went a couple years having what they call Tinea Versicolor without ever consulting a doctor about it. I thought it was probably some sort of skin cancer, come to find out it's just some weird fungus or something that they don't even know how you get it, and it goes away pretty easy and never comes back.


Also I am pregnant now and so I have been worrying alot that their will be problems with my baby.. complecations really, I don't care if my baby comes out with 6 toes or 3 eyeballs, I just want it to be healthy, and lately I'm thinking that it won't be, but I have no reason too, the doctor keeps saying I'm in good health. But I went to my first gyno appointment (yes I know sad because I'm already pregnant, but I said I hate doctors) I was wicked nervous before my appointment and I told my mom I was really worried they were going to say something was wrong, but sure enough they told me I have a cyst. And although I heard a bunch of good things about cyst, like usually they go away without surgery, and they don't harm the baby, I have also heard, that you might not be able to have the baby if they have to remove the cyst, and other things. And as I mentioned before I don't do surgery. I keep worrying that something is going to be wrong when they talk to me about my cyst on Monday, I guess that's kinda normal...but usually I worry and stress about every little ache or pain, and I never do anything unless it feels like I'm dying!

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I share your pain. I have been a hypochondriac on and off for the last 18 years. One thing I learned is that if something is wrong, write it down and see a doctor, but for Heaven's sake, do NOT google your symptoms! You'll have every cancer in the book, plus anything else that comes with a cough.


Mine started when they ran the very first special on AIDS in 1987. No one knew what AIDS was, and this special described the ways you can catch it. I thought I had the virus, even though I was a virgin, felt 110% healthy, and had absolutely no way of getting it. I mistook pimples for lesions. I masturbated with a condom. To this day I crack up at that, I don't think any guy has ever jerked off with a condom.


Over the last few years it got worse. The funniest story happened two years ago when I had stomach pains and took Pepto Bismol. When I went to the bathroom, my stool was black, which can be a symptom of stomach cancer (which I googled!) I was in a panic, running around in circles like a paranoid idiot until I read the back of the Pepto bottle: "May temporarily cause your stool to darken." Almost beat my masturbating with a condom adventures.


Everytime I shave, I check to see if my cuts heal properly. If I drink water, I time how long it takes before I need to go to the bathroom. I am always checking my glands, even though I have no idea where they are. The list goes on & on.


Us hypochodriacs don't realize that there is a difference between thinking something's wrong and knowing something's wrong. See a doctor and tell him that youi have hypochondria. He can help ease your mental pain. We have a long battle ahead of us, I wonder what causes us to think this way?


Good luck and I hope you feel better phisically and mentally.

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Thank you Kyoshiro! I am glad to hear I'm not the only one.


My tummy isn't feeling as bad this morning and i took my acid reducer right away but I'm still sure there's something wrong with me. oh brother!


Hey you hypochondriacs! Anyone feel like being friends??? hahah!

Feel free to PM me if you're interested! We'll get through the germs of life together!!!



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Oh I can relate with you guys SO much. Lucinda Bassett's program is definitely worth it. I have done the program myself, afterwards, my mind felt somewhat "normal." I was rational, which was REALLY strange for me. But I've slipped into my old ways, you really need to stay on top of it. I need to do the program again.

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So I went to the pharmacy today and the pharmacist told me to take a double dosage of zantac twice a day and malox as well. If that doesn't work within a week a doctor can give me something stronger. That made me feel better. He didn't give me the "OH MY GOD, GET TO A DOCTOR BEFORE YOU DROP DEAD KID!" talk so that helped immensely hahaha!

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it depends i suppose. usually a doctor will refer someone to me or will consult with emergency surgeons. first step should be for you to try over-counter medications for indigestion. if this does not work then see your family doctor and they might try prescription such as Prevacid. if this fails then yes usually do UGI, which is as you mention, usually barium swallow (or enema ), x-ray, endoscopy, fluoroscopy, esophagram (which is barium). Etc. If pain is too bad please go to see the emergency doctors. Please excuse my bad english! it is not my native language. i am in my residency here in America for a few years and i came from South africa

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If you are a hypochodriac, peace of mind is key. Have those tests. I know that after I get tests and the doctor tells me I'm fine, or that what I have won't kill me, then I can concentrate on defeating what ails me instead of fighting a needless battle, thinking I am about to bite the big one.


You doctor will suggest what you need to get done, but I want to reiterate that you should let him/her know that you are a hypochodriac. They can put your mind at ease and let you know that what's in your stomach is also all in your head.

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Hi guys!


Just thought I'd let you know that I went to the doctor because this morning I woke up with a rash all over me and I completely freaked...here it is, I'm allergic to Zantac. Who the heck is allergic to an acid reducer? *shakes head*


So yeah, now I'm all itchy!!! Eeeew!


In any case, I told him all that has been happening, and my new doctor is sending me for an ulcer test. How? By taking a pill, then they measure the amount of a certain gas you have in your tummy. Weird! So cool though!


In any case, just wanted to give you an update. Thanks for being so supportive to me guys, it really helped me to get my nerve up and go to the doctor.


And Kyoshiro, thanks for calming my nerves. That means a lot to me!

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Hi Beyondthesea,


Oh, my whole family is made up of Hypochondriac! We thrive off of odd body symptoms and ailments and honestly, 99% of the time-we're FINE!


I know someone else mentioned it on here but I think I'll re-inerate: I know it's not easy for people like us but going to the doctor and getting a full check up (including blood work) is the best way to put our minds to rest. If you know you are all around OK, then you'll have nothing really rational to worry about.


Another thought: Think of all the times you've worried about an ailment and out of those times if anything actually turned out to be something to worry about. You start realizing that you may have been worrying about a certain series of symptoms for two years past and yet you're still rationally healthy. It's a good way of realizing you're OK.


Hope that helped!

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