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Proof That Nice Guys DON'T Always Finish Last (a success/inspirational/long story)

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Hello everyone, it's story time, lol. I am here to tell you that nice, caring guys do not always finish last (contrary to the common but heartbreaking saying).


The reason for this is twofold:

1. I have a succes story that I just love to tell. and

2. I have read about alot of guys (and girls for that matter) who fell in love with their best friends. Generally speaking they thought that they were in the friend catagory, or the girl said she only wanted to be friends. They usually get advice sounding something like this 'Put distance between yourselves and try to move on.'


Well, when I joined eNotalone about two and a half years ago, I needed advice on this exact subject. I fell in love with a girl named Lauren. By love I don't mean I thought she was hot, or i kind of liked to be around her. I mean that ever since I first saw her in seventh grade I knew that I wanted to be with her more than anything.


I did every thing I could to impress her, to try to make her like me. Eventually we became best friends. She confided everything in me. This almost made it worse, because everyday I heard about how much of a jerk her boyfriend was (she has been with four serious boyfriends since I have met her), and how she was sick of guys sometimes. The whole time the only thing I could think of was "why doesn't she like me?" I asked her out a couple of times, she always told me she loved me, but just wanted to be friends.


I got angry, depressed, all kinds of emotions, my friends began to think I was going crazy. In a sense I was, and I couldn't stop myself from loving her. No matter how hard I tried, I was always drawn to her. I couldn't stop myself from being kind, caring, and understanding towards her. I was always there for her. Some of my other friends told me I needed to get over it, I half believed them, but I couldn't if I tried. I dated a couple of girls, trying to take my mind off of her (I know it is horrible, and I feel bad about it now, but it seemd like a good idea at the time), but none of them worked.


Then, over three years after meeting her (about a month and a half ago) something great happened. We were talking about how long we have known each other. Then, like a river, it came spilling out of me. I couldn't stop myself, I told her about the feelings I had for her, and how I had known that I loved her since seventh grade. She just sat there, looking at me with a surprised look on her face. But by the tame I was done she had a smile on, and had a few tears rolling down her eyes. I couldn't stop myself and had a single tear roll down my cheek. We kissed, a long, deep kiss, the best kiss I have ever had, and probably will ever have. It made my legs shake (and she has since told me that it was one of the best moments of her life). She told me that she was in love with me too.


THis started our current relatioship. We are very much in love. Although we technically have only been dating for a few weeks, it seems like years, We already know everything about eachother, so there are no awkward surprises. We do things together that people don't usually do until further into their relationships, but they feel natural, and good. I mean, the other day we had a discussion (well manly she talked and I made a few comments, lol) about how if we got married and she changed her last name to mine how pretty it would be. She also discussed a few other things that would happen if we got married. We know we probably won't get married, but the idea of it in no way seems weird to either of us.


I firmly believe that the reason that our relationship is so great and seems so natural is that we were such good friends first. And while this might not be the perfect path for everyone, looking back, I don't know that I would take away our friendship, even if it would save me any of the emotional pain.


So, my point is, if you are that friend, or just nice guy, who hears about the jerks and comforts the girl, but knows that they would be better for her, don't change. Don't give up on her if you truly love her. It can still happen. Plus the world needs you. Without you everything would be off balance and explode (hey it could happen, you don't know).


I hope that I could help, even if it is just one person, that made the last half hour of typing worth it, lol.




(Oh, and if you guys want to see the absolute most ironic thing EVER, sheck this out. It is a post I made a long time ago, seriously, you dont have to read it, just look at it. it shows how perspectve can totally change due to one event in your life. I didn't even think about it until after I wrote the rest of this.)

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