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I'm bi.. I've known for about a year now and only two of my friends know that I am. One is a guy and one is a girl that I had gotten with awhile ago.


Most of my friends have absolutely no problem with gay, lesbian, or bisexual people but I don't know if they would really want me around too much if they think that I'm going to hit on them or something.


One of my friends has kind of figured it out from the way I am in the locker room when I'm getting changed for gym.


Should I just go ahead and tell them or just keep it to myself? I don't have any sexual feelings to any of my closest friends but it might still be weird for them.

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Tell those you trust.


You don't have to spill your life story to everyone jsut because you're acknowledged it.


Some people with have a problem with it, some won't. you can't really tell who will be bothered by it.


But just be honest about it. If you approach it as if it's no big deal, maybe they'll realize it too. Some might be uncomfortable in the locker rooms but let them know that while they are very nice looking, they're not your type lol

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yeah, that is going to be something you will have to struggle with for the rest of your life probably. i have a close friend that is bisexual; she had a crush on me at first, but i said i wasn't interested in that, but now she is one of my best friends! and we talk about sex all the time! it's cool. anyways, she was really hurt once cause she told a friend of hers about her sexuality and then her friend basically assumed that meant she was crushing on her, but she wasn't and she felt bad about it. you will have to deal with the fact that girls are often going to assume that means you like them even if you don't, so just trust girls that are open minded and truly understand that just because someone is * * * * * it doesn't mean they want to have sex with everyone!!


Since when is * * * * * a bad word? weird. you know the Q in LGBTQ...

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If you feel you can trust someone and that they won't react negatively, tell them. Don't make a big deal out of it, just speak from the heart and let them know. If they have questions, answer. If they are real friends, then they will be fine with it. If they start acting weird, then it is there issue, not yours.

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