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when people say they'll call


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so... one of my biggest pet pieves is when people don't call when they say they will.


this guy said he'd call "around 11", now it's 11:40 so closer to "around 12", if it was just a friend thing I'd probably call and see whats up, but with dating situations I feel like I can't, cause they have to be making as much effort as me.


why do people do that? am i just obsessing about nothing? what would you do if you were me?

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Don't worry. It is only about noon, and he may be busy. He might call you later in the day. People sometimes do that not because they want to, but because they might be busy too. ALso, some guys dont want to come off as being desperate to call you back so they put on the act of being nonchalant and they call you later so that they dont give off the image that they are into you. Guys and girls can be like that. I would just wait, but if he was making plans with you for something like for tomorrow, then just give the guy a call later in the evening, if you havent heard from him by then.


I truly do understand how you feel. I get like the way you do when someone tells me that they will call, let me know about plans, etc. I get worried if I dont hear from them and then I come up with the worst case scenarious like "I must have scared him off, he doesnt like me, I am stupid for wanting to do something, why didnt he call, etc." Just relax and let things happen. That way is less heartache and ulcers.

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what would you do if you were me?


Best piece of advice I ever got regarding people following through on stuff:


Honor the commitments you make, no matter how large or small. Don't expect anyone else to honor the commitments they make.


If I don't have the expectation of someone doing what they said they'd do, I'm pleasantly surprised when they actually do what they said they'd do and not surprised if they don't.

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Aww sweetie, I know EXACTLY what you mean! You're sending me back four years ago when I used to wait for the magical phone call that my date would make 'later' that would take aaaages to come. If he was a friend, I'd have no problem ringing up and having a chat, but with a date situation you're reminded over and over again not to appear desperate.


Good luck!

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