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Been together 12 days... too soon to say those 3 little words?

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Hi there.


I'm like really... and I mean REALLY... happy right now. My ex and I are no longer seeing each other as **** buddies and I'm with a new girl now.


Our first date lasted 44 hours and 10 minutes... it was soooooo great.


Anyways, we've been pretty much living in each others pockets these past couple of days and I've found that I really really like her... I actually think it might be love, but... is it too soon to say so?


All comments are appreciated



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I would think that you are wrapped up in the excitement of the happy time you are experiencing.


Enjoy it and all but I think saying I love you is a bit too soon. Everything is all roses right now but when reality starts to set in thats when you find out if this relationship is going to work out.


Take your time, enjoy yourself however don't loose yourself in this person. Still keep your identity.

Good Luck

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When to say those words is a personal choice that only you can make. Personally, I would think its too soon. But that's just me. You have to decide how you really feel and if thats what is right for you to do. I think if you genuinely feel it and have no doubts about saying it, then you might as well go ahead and go for it. Just really take the time to see if you mean it.

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I agree, it is probably too soon. I think Elektra said it very well, the initial excitement of a new relationship can feel like love but sometimes you can't really get to the core of your true feelings until some of that excitement of the "newness" of the relationship wears off.


You know the situation better than anyone but I'd be inclined to wait a bit.

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Yeah I think I might wait a little longer. I don't want to scare her off because she's probably the best thing that's happened to me in a long time.


We just get along so well. I'm a Gemini and she's a Virgo (for anyone who knows star signs) so we kinda compliment each other. We have so much in common and we can talk about anything. In fact, last night I stayed over at her place and I confessed to her that when I did oral on her that was the first time I'd ever done it *blushes* She said that I'm a natural *big smile*


Anyways, anyone disagree with what everyone's said? I think I will wait but I like to see other peoples point of views.



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  • 2 weeks later...

My fiancee and I exchanged those "3 little words" three weeks into our relationship. Been together 2 years, getting married next. Haven't looked back since. So no, it's not too soon. Only you know how you feel, so go with that and best of luck!

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