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I know everyone is different, but this question is directed to girls mostly. Ok, my girlfriend and I have been out for about 1.5 months now. In terms of kissing, I dont' think I've been very initiative with it. My girlfriend probably sees it, but I don't know if she mind's. It's a joke with my best friend and her boyfriend that I am the "woman" in the relationship, and my girlfriend is the "man" in the relationship haha. My girlfriend says she doesn't mind, but I'm worried that she might get frustrated with me? What do girls think of initiation?


Last night was a birthday celebration for a good friend, and we decided to have some really immature fun....we played hide and seek in his townhouse complex haha. Brought back memories of our younger days and whatnot but anyway. We played in partners. My girlfriend and I were obviously partners. So we hid in this once place for a while. Now some people would just think that we went there to make out...noooo. Well, for brief moments. But anyway. I had thought about just initiating a kiss there, but I didn't want to make it seem like I just wanted to be there to make out with her. Well I did, but you know what I mean right? So yeah, I guess you could say I held back?


And yeah. Would you girls get frustrated with your S.O.'s over this?

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hi, well i guess it all depends on the girl, if shes a real party animal type, id suppose shed like u to initiate, but if shes a bit shy then maybe she likes to initiate cuz thats the only time she feels comfortable kissing u.

also it depends how much u like each other for exmp: i was once in a relationship which i didnt really like, so obviously i didnt like the guy kissing me too much, but now im in a relationship, and i love the guy, and i think the best thing he can do is initiate a kiss, I LOVE THAT!

but in your case, u say shes started the kisses b4, so i think shell TOTALLY love u kissing her! TOTALLY go for it! dont be scared! and when ur in a situation like that: that u think she might think u just want to make out, just give her a lil kiss, a SWEET CUTE kiss, ya know, kissing doesnt always have to be vulgar or whatever, it can be so sweet and so apropriate at times! good luck!

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With me, if I was in the beginning stages of a relationship, I would rather the guy initiate the kisses because I tend to be the type that worries about how the other person thinks and I dont want to kiss the other person if the other person may not be receptive to it. If I have been dating the person for a while and I am comfortable with the person, I have been known to initiate a kiss or two when I am really in a good mood, etc.

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It will depend on the girl. Some like to take charge themselves, some like to be lead. Honestly, it isn't important what other people think, what counts is how well things go along in your relationship. Your girlfriend doesn't seem to have a problem with things, so it isn't something you should worry about. As long as you guys are having fun, care about each other, and enjoy the kisses when they happen, don't sweat it.

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As ironic as this seems, i wouldnt listen to any advice about it (cept for this lol)

Reason being, personally, ive read ALOT on kissing before kissing my own gf, every time i tried something i read its really akward and never really works. I just go with what i feel i should do. Perhaps you shouldnt be worried, or feel rushed to meet some sort of deadline. I felt that way for a while and it stressed me out, after getting rid of that thought suddenly things were much easier to initiate.

Hope that helps just a little bit

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