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I need a hobby

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Hey, over the past few days I've been feeling really lonely. My brother moved out of the house a few weeks ago to live with his girlfriend, and my parents are away on holiday right now. I guess I didn't realize how lonely I was when my family was around me all the time. After having a couple of days by myself I realized that I need to make more friends. I have plenty of 'acquaintances' but not many true friends. By acquaintances I mean people who I see in work, university etc but I don't socialize with them outside.


This got me thinking about my interests and hobbies. To be honest I don't really have any. I have tried lots of things but never really stuck at anything. I think I get on with people better if I have common interests with them. Most of my friends like the same music/movies/football teams etc. They don't have any hobbies either. Anytime I socialize with my friends, we just hang out and watch a movie or go to the pub.


I don't want a hobby like playing the guitar or collecting stamps because then I will be stuck inside most of the time. I want something that will force me to go out and interact with new people. If I wasn't going to work and university everyday I wouldn't be doing ANYTHING! It makes me depressed to think that my whole life revolves around work.


I would like to hear the hobbies that you guys have, and any suggestions on finding a good hobby. I was thinking there must be some clubs and stuff on at the university, so I'm going to check them out.


I would also like to hear some suggestions for turning my acquaintances into actual friends who I can socialize outside of work/uni with. I talk to some people in work but I only talk to them about work, what's the best way to start a conversation about something other than work?


I used to think that I was one of the most interesting people I knew. I still think I'm interesting but having no hobbies or interests other than; 'Music and hanging out with my mates' isn't very exiting.



Any advice/comments welcome.




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Well first of Donnie darko is bad * * *!

okay so as for hobbies...

find out if there is a paintball course place near by..

paintball is fun,good exorcise, and can make you many, many, many friends.


hmm as for making friends into GOOD friends you mudt start a conversation by asking a question or something... if you hear them listning to music you like start a conversation about it by asking...have you ever seen them live?

and then you can say id love to see them i wonder if they are going on tour...blah bah blah... find out if they are and ask if they would like to go with you!

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well i suppose hobbies can be just doing things you want to do and doing stuff that make you happy


i took up dance classes 2 years ago and it's a great way to just unwind it's a strange class it's more gymnastic dancing if that makes sense.


going to gigs and seeing bands play live in pubs is fun great way to meet people that are intrested in the same type of music ect.


you could join a fitness club/yoga or something like that.. a gym


or pick up a team sport that's a great way to meet new people


think about what intrests you write it all down and the look for clubs or activitys to do based on what you've wrote down

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Do you enjoy cooking? Sometimes learning how to make new cuisine is fun. Like Thai food or Indian food, even desserts YUMMM


As for clubs at school that is awesome I am sure you will find something there that you like. What about the school paper?


As for the friends part you can't put an ad out and say be my friend. It just happens naturally. Joining clubs and groups will help open that door of opportunity. I have some really good friends that I can count on. Most I have known for 20+ years. It will happen you just have to go out and interact

Good Luck,

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