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Is this a dead end?


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Both my gf and I are currently studying at the moment at uni... Yesterday she told me that our relationship has to end because at the moment we would only be able to spend the weekends together yet last week she told me that she loved me... I need some advice on this about other peoples relationships?!? what's the least time that you should spend together. I'm just really scared because at the moment I am really hurting if we have to separate when I think there could be a chance of saving our relationship, what should I do?!?

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well, I would ask her directly what she is willing to put into the relationship. As a point of reference, I had a long distance relationship for 3 years where I only saw my gf on the weekends (usually every other one) and then the full 4 months during the summer. It was never a problem because we loved eachother and we MADE it work.


My suggestion to you, as I said above, is to let her know that you are willing to make it work eventhough you have to see her less (if you are willing) and simply ask her if she is to... by what she said, she is not, but I don't know her to judge what the other reasons could be. But be open and let her know that lots of people have busy lives and manage to keep a healthy relationship. If she doesn't give you a straight answer, then its possible that there is more to it, or that she just doesn;t want a relationship at this point.

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hi mate


Maybe you like to tell us more about why you two have broken up and why you think there is something to save? In this way, we could advise you better.


Could it be because your relationship with her has affected her examination results?


Let me suggest that you don't contact each others for a week or two and allow this time off to think, as people make poor decision straight after a broken relationship. Maybe you like to chat to your friends and see what they could offer you as well.


Hang in there!


Woof Woof

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I was planning on not contacting her for around a week just to give us both some time to think, but I know what she is like and she will ring or text me in the next few days most likely... also her exam results have been really good so dating musn't have been an influence on her study...


Why I think there is something to save? because we both have strong feelings for each other and certain things have been said to lead me to that. We have been physical with each other [not sex] and she told me I was the best thing that ever happened to her a week or two back...


It's just totally confusing because I like her so much...

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Well your situation is quite common indeed, so here's what's up:


Don't believe her excuse for breaking up over how much time you two will be spending together. It's just an excuse, a lie for the real reason. She just got this feeling of confusion about you for no reason and wants to blame it on something so this is what she came up with.


Best bet is to go No Contact. It will give her the time to really figure out what she really wants and will let you cool down emotionally so you can talk to her normally. Don't let her contact you for a little while, bring some fun back into your life, and that includes bringing some female competition into the picture. And if she decides that she made a mistake and wants you back, she's going to have to work and prove it to you that she deserves another shot. Otherwise you'll already have other things on the fly.


Put her on ice for a minute. Either way it turns out, you'll come out on top.

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I agree with Helo ladies. I do think you should talk to her about what she wants and expects from a relationship though. You don't have to play games. Be open and honest with her, and if she really thinks seeing you only on the weekends isn't good enough, ok, then let her go.


I'm in a relationship where I only see my sweetie once a week, because of our schedules. It is fine with me. Well, it would be nice to have more time to see him, but I'm not going to break up with him!!! Like Merickso said, if someone wants to make it work, they will!

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Well she thinks that we have to see each other more often to have some kind of chance of making the relationship work, and at the moment the weekends is the only free time we both have because of my flying training and her uni studies so that kind of holds us back a little... As you guys say I won't talk or communicate with her for a week or two, let her think about things for a bit then try and "rationally" talk things through with her and find out exactly what she wants... It's just when she told me that she "loved" me I thought she would make a decent effort to maintain a relationship with me considering a month back she said she would do anything to be with me and the last thing she wanted was to lose me.



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