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So whats The word!!!

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I got a text, just that.. 2 years to the date that we became a couple.


After all my misery and crap I put up with in the last 6 months, she leaves a simple Happy Valentines Day text message..


Of which she said to several other people as well.. I didnt really care, I didnt talk to her, and havent for a week now since we decided a no go to the rekindling of things.

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I got the mass text message contact yesterday morning.

"Happy V-Day to all the single girls and guys out there".


Never did get what that was about. Just feel like it was sent to various ppl on her cell phone list. She's a Big Dawg. Nothin' like a shout-out, I guess!


Did not respond. Would have fed her ego, or she'd have told ppl I was reading into it, Im sure. What the h*$# do they want w/us, anyways????

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I've already written this in another post (or two), so skip it if you already know ---- the ex called the night before Valentine's, wishing me a Happy Valentine's Day and saying he had something small for me "because I am a sweetheart," and then I told him I didn't want to see him anymore if he was going to date other women ... and then I left him a gift of rose petals and a Betty Boop card and an "I miss you note" anyway, because I'm crazy ... and then he ended up giving me the Valentine gift (a bear, some lotion, Hershey's kisses, in a red basket) yesterday when we had to meet about my cat. Then I went totally crazy V-Day night, got drunk and called and asked to come over. Then I swore I was back on no-contact after yesterday's casual meeting and ended up blowing that about two hours later, calling him up and saying I was having trouble letting go and I knew he was too because of the way he keeps contacting me every now and then and coming over --- and asked if we could talk. He said he would come over, and by the time he got there I was smashed again because I had gone to a bar with friends in the meantime and drank about five shots and some jack daniels, and so I just poured out my heart, cried, etc. He was alternately sweet, worried about me, suspicious I had planned this, and then admitting he has never been in love like this before and he just doesn't know how to handle it. He also said that he can't stand the thought of anybody touching me, kissing me, making love to me, etc. We made love, of course, and then he asked me not to talk about this anymore until he had told me some things. But he couldn't tell me then because he had to leave to pick his son up. So who knows what's coming? But, listen, I actually feel strangely relieved as if the whole thing was cathartic, and I won't need to do that anymore, because the whole "should I say this, should I do that, feeling is over. I did it, it's done. Now we'll see when he contacts me again. In the meantime, I have to give my cat a pill three times a day, and let me just say the first time this morning did not go over well. I was bitten and scratched and needless to say the cat did not get the pill down her throat. I have tried crushing it up and leaving it in her food, but I have my doubts as to whether she will eat it. I have to go home at lunch and try another trick or two. Isn't there a strange resemblance between the story of feeding my cat a pill and my relationship to P.?


I haven't added a quote yet, but I guess right now mine would be, "Everybody plays the fool, sometime." I have scratched up arms and a scratched up heart to prove it.

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