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How many have been dumped and found someone else?

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hey everyone,


Many of us on this forum are struggling through a breakup from a relationship that we thought would last forever. We believed and still believe that the one we were with was "The One".


Has anyone been dumped and felt that they lost their soulmate, only to later find someone better?


If so, did the new one have the same qualities as the first or were they different?


Thanks to anyone who can share it would give us all some hope for moving on.

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I got dumped by someone I loved very much.For the longest time I thought I screwed my self over for life.For several years I dwelled on what might have been.

Then I fell in love with smebody I truly loved more than anything in the universe.I had no idea it was even possible to love somebody as much as I loved her.Then she dumped me.

So I have to believe that if I fall in love again.I will love the next one so much my head may physicaly explode.

If we don't have optimisim we don't have anything.

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I am fairly young, but I think I have experienced something like this situation. A little over a year ago my gf at the time dumped me, basically tog o out with another guy who I have always thought of as a, for lack of a better word, scumbag. I felt horrible. I thought that we would be together for a long time. However I then fell in love with another girl and we began a relationship. I am still in my relationship with this girl and it is going great. She is much more compatible with me and has great qualities, that my ex did not, that really make me love her.


However some of the qualities are the same, I think that is because there are just certain aspects of a person that I find attractive. I think these qualities are what help to define my 'type'.


I hope that everyone healing from a breakup finds someone new and better for them. I honestly believe that there is a person out there for everybody, you just need to go find yours.

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I went through a break up with someone I wanted children with (7years). Even when he left I contimplated trying to get pregnant coverty ( I know horrible...but he would have been a good daddy!!!)


I met a male friend who I love deeply who helped me through the breakup and who we still talk extensively and have a growing-loving relationship.


Their are many soul mates I have to believe, and things are meant to be...perhaps there is love around the corner for you.

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I've been in 4 "long term" relationships. In each case I felt like the other person was very special and had circumstances been different could have spent the rest of my life with any one of them.


I never compare them. I enjoy them for who they are and I think in answer to your question, if you keep yourself open to another special relationship you will find one.

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I have been in three relationships. I was in a five year relationship and married to her for a year. I met someone else and forgot about her quickly. I now have been with out her for a year and do think about her a lot, but have met some great women. It gets better. I can honestly say that I still think about all of my ex's because they were all great women. My ex wife was amazing, but the circumstances did not work for me or her. My ex girlfriend recently is always on my mind and I miss her, but I am out having fun and will get over her soon. I think you will always think of your past relationships, but also enjoy the new ones. We all become attached and it is hard to get over anyone 100%. You will get over and move on. Life is a journey and everyone you have known is a part of it.

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I have been heartbroken in the past, and felt that I might never find anyone again (or somebody as good). Looking back on it, I thank God I never ended up with them. I have now been with someone for 3 1/2 years, and we are getting married soon. He is the best, and he has surpassed all my dreams. So yes - I believe you will be OK and you will find someone very special again. Hang in there, and I wish you all the best.

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I was in a relationship for 4 years, and it was great. we had our problems, but she was wonderful and great and beautiful and we were always there for eachother (until the end, and things did get ugly). I love[d] her with everything in me, and we talked about when we would get married for years. Anyway, it ended and I was devistated. i went through everything that is mentioned here - lost 15 pounds, was lost for months, etc, etc.


Then I met my current ex. I love her with my whole heart. The fact that I have been through what I am going through now (my current break up) gives me some comfort, because I never thought I would find someone that would make me as happy. Of course, there are many things that I think about with both girls, but after 1 year of being with someone else (until recently), I have let go of my exex.


One can always love again. I did - so can you. My fear isnt that, it is whether or not I will let go of the love for my recent ex to be able to move on. Right now I feel that I love her and miss her more each day.

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I was recently dumped...and i'm not looking for anyone now, but I KNOW that I will find someone else to love again, and this time the love will be returned! I haven't met him yet, but that gets me so excited to know he's out there somewhere...or maybe i'll go through a couple more - who knows, either way, I have so much love to give, i can't let one heartbreak get to me - if anything, it's not over for me..it's just the beginning

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Oh believe me, it does happen!



I found someone much more compatible, amazing, committed, caring, respectful.....I really am grateful that my ex dumped my butt, even if I did not know it at the time (if you go back and read my old, old posts you would see I was the usual heartbroken soul looking for any hope I could find).


Without having my heart broken, I would of really missed out on meeting the man I was always looking for, but never really knew it until I met him. I have been in a few long term relationships, but never knew until this one that what I "knew" deep down I wanted was really possible. Every one of them was unique and special in it's own way, and I learned from each..but this is the one that we both plan on being our "last".


I think keep your heart open...be aware of course, but be open to opportunities, and you never know when cupid's arrow will strike

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Lost the love of my life and dated but nobody really interested me enough to follow through with much effort...All good people but for me at least the connection jsut was not there...


Now I took myself out of the game for awhile. DOn't really want to put any effort towards someone else, just to me for now at least...

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When I first came to eNotalone, I was dealing with a break up. At the time, I thought I had blown a chance at a great relationship. Looking back, I see this guy had some real commitment issues and he often made me feel like I was the "bad guy" when we had our disagreements.


My current boyfriend is completely different. He's patient and committed to resolving issues when they come up. I also trust him more than any other man I've ever had a relationship with. We're just so much more compatible than I ever expected a relationship between two people could be.


The gems are out there...you just have to sharpen your vision a bit more to spot them.

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