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well, after a few very stressfull and emotionally draining days, I am finally seeing the bright side of things. I've been so caught up in the thought of not being with my guy the past few days, that I let it consume me. I was in a complete state of sadness. I couldn't eat or sleep or anything. Then, I woke up this morning just feeling like everything will be ok. I woke up this morning not wanting him back at all... I just want him as a friend. I know he's confused, but even if he comes back I don't think I want him... at least not at this point in my life. It's amazing how I was so sad last night, and I woke up this morning feeling like a new person. Thanks to everyone that helped me the past couple days. It really helps to have people talk things through with... and for those of you who are going through break ups, it will get better! Just remember that what dosen't kill you can only make you stronger.

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hi - glad to hear you feel better. He doesn't sound really good for you. Try not to be friends with him for a long while, not until you feel totally better. He's too much of a yo-yo - indecisive. You deserve someone who isn't so wishy-washy about their feelings towards you.

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the thing is I'm so used to being tossed around... being his friend.. then being something more.. that I can switch fairly easily. We can usually just pick back up as being friends. I know I don't want him back, because I found out today, that he's calling this girl he said he only barley knew two days ago his girlfriend. Something that he couldn't even do for me after almost two months! And you know what? I didn't get mad or sad or anything... it made me laugh. Because I know he's just doing this all over again.. I know he'll end right back up with me when she dumps him... and I'll be his friend, because he is a great guy and a great friend. Just not a great boyfriend, at least for me at this point in time. But today has been a lot better than yesturday and the day before... I just decided instead of moping around, being all sad about some guy that's been tossing me around left and right for a year, that I need to get out. Get up, and just realize that everything's meant for a reason. This guy didn't work out because there is someone better for me. I'm just going to work on being happy for myself right now, like going back to school, and taking some classes at the gym with my roomie. When you feel good about yourself it shows on the outside.. I just feel like a new person..

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