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Not to beat a dead horse I am confused here. Long story short. Me and the ex do not communicate for 2.5 months after nearly seeing each other/talking each day. We broke up.


Before the break up I told her I wanted my ticket to a concert that was G.A. seating. She was cool enough to honor my request.


After the breakup I was devastated, if I was a computer I would have logged off, which is what I basically did, from the rest of the world.


Anyways, I started dating this girl 2 weeks later. Everything was great again. I was back to my normal self, which some may say is not a good thing.


She supposedly seen me at this concert, of which 45,000 people were at. Three days later I get an email saying "Who was the blond you were with, I coudl have used the ticket for my new boyfriend"


I played along, there was no blonde, I was actually at the concert by myself. Anyways, I get another response basically calling me a *bleeping* loser from her friend who decided to jump in. FYI, me and her are both 27 years old.


It seems as if I am back to square one with feeling grief. I cannot eat, I am supposed to be going to see one of my all-time favorate bands on the 29th, and I am seriously considering giving my pair of seats away as I am simply not into anything anymore.


Why would I be bothered after 2.5 months of no communication, and why is this eating away at me after I had been feeling so great?


Thanks for listening to me everyone.

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you know, she isnt your problem anymore. you have your own life and she has hers. keep those tickets to your self. shes just taking advantage that you are such a great guy. maybe you are just feeling the after effects, you never know, i'm still feeling them after 5 months becuase i broke up with a guy after a year and a half relationshiop and 2 DAYS after i started going out with another! it will live with you but you dont want it to live you down. after her letting her friend in on her and your business, you shouldnt give in to her and start playing your own feild here.



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Because you are obviously not over your ex and I think being with the new girl is wrong in so many aspects. You are in love with someone else so in turn you are using this other girl, which is a very selfish thing to do. You shouldn't have lied to your ex about being with this new girl, really what was the point? You aren't together anymore!!! I think that you are only with this new girl to fill the emotional void that you were lacking when your ex and you broke up. I think maybe you need time to yourself to analyze your life and realize what makes you happy, but instead you are just doing the replacement game. Is this new girl really making you happy? I don't think soo, seeing that you are still focusing on how your ex feels. My advice would be to not be with anyone. Do what makes you feel happy and stop trying to fix or diminish your pain by finding someone new. Think about yourself!!!!

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Hello to you. Sorry to hear you are feeling down.

You never healed the first time...of course you feel bad. The feeling good with the new girl was an escape from dealing with the feeling of loss. Its what we like to call a rebound. It would be good to take the time and go through the feelings of sadness, and they will fade in time. If you avoid feeling the loss, it can creep up on you for years to come.

I hope you feel better soon...sending you hugs

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Yea, man. You need your time to grieve. It's just a part of life. Stick more with friends than relationships. It'll be better in the long run. Think about her, you have to. It's the only way to move past it, or segagirl is indeed correct, it'll haunt you later. Take the past as a learning experience. Learn from what was good and what was bad. Talk it out with close friends, it's healthy to grieve, it lets you know you're still alive.


Good luck, keep your head up.



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First of all, let me say thanks to all of you guys in these forums. I read alot of other people's threads, and try to put my situation inline with what their problems are.


Well, let me say about the girl I am dating now. I desperately needed something to fill a void of what would amount to a VERY long weekend during some bad times. She is a great girl, and about 5 years younger than myself. We only see each other 1, or 2 times a week due to work/school for both of us and she lives 30 minutes away.


I wouldn't say that it is necessarly your prototypical "rebound" relationship. I have known this girl for the better part of a year and a half now, very cool person to hang out with. I think that was what I needed most of all to get me out of the problme I was in.


The situation was so bad when Ms. X broke up with me, that I had to see the doctor who prescribed Xanax/Paxil for me as I couldn't function. I failed a final in my Graduate Auditing class, luckily I had the professor prior to this class, and he knew my track record as well as being understanding of my predictament it did not affect my grade at all.


ONCE AGAIN THANKS EVERYONE!!!!! You guys are the BEST!!!

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