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Just sharing a bed

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Just wondering what people thought about this. If a girl is prepared to let you just sleep with her has she automatically put you in the just friends category and is just showing that she trusts you or could she be hinting that she wouldn't mind something else to happen? The other week a girl that I actually hardly really know was going to let me share her bed. We were at a mates house after a night out and she was going to have the spare room. The owner of the house had gone to bed and we'd been talking and it had got late and I really couldn't be bothered to walk home even though it was only just down the road. I half jokingly said "can I sleep in with you?" and she said yes. Neither of us had been to the house before though and when we went upstairs it was only a single bed so I ended up walking home anyway.

As I say we don't actually know each other that well, in fact that night out was probably the most we'd ever spoke but I didn't really think anything of it until I mentioned it to my mate and he said he thought it was a good sign. I personally thought it was the opposite, that she just saw me as a friend and trusted me. The same way as she'd probably sleep with another girl.

Just wondering what people thought in general, not neccessarily this particular scenario as I don't really know her so can't really say if she likes me or not (although I'm going to her birthday party next week so will try to get to know her better then).

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At the very least- it meant she felt comfortable around you- and didn't mind if you were near her and saw her first thing in the morning.


She probably likes you.


Depending on the person- it could mean a bunch of different things though.


(Sometimes it's a booty-call- other times the person may just want to cuddle, or maybe she is just super-polite)



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It does depend on the person. Some people may just be being polite or friendly. But in my experience, a girl who allows you to do that probably like you. It's sending out a message that she trusts you and wants to be that close. You could have slept on the couch or on the floor, but she let you stay on the bed.


It's interesting that you think being trusted and friends is a bad thing. If a girl wants to get closer to you, be your friend, and trusts you, that is all good things. The closer you get to someone, the better it is. The only reason I would be worried about being another girlfriend is if she starts wanting to do makeovers with you.

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It does depend on the person. Some people may just be being polite or friendly. But in my experience, a girl who allows you to do that probably like you. It's sending out a message that she trusts you and wants to be that close. You could have slept on the couch or on the floor, but she let you stay on the bed.


It's interesting that you think being trusted and friends is a bad thing. If a girl wants to get closer to you, be your friend, and trusts you, that is all good things. The closer you get to someone, the better it is. The only reason I would be worried about being another girlfriend is if she starts wanting to do makeovers with you.


Yeah, that kind of came out wrong. I didn't mean it was a bad thing, I know that's good too.

I would have just slept on the couch but he's only just moved in and the cheapskate only has two dining chairs and an armchair! Someone had already passed out in that. He couldn't handle the pace like Magic_Monkey!


Funny you should mention makovers I actually asked another girl the other week if I could borrow her hair straighteners. I've a strange, morbid fascination with wanting to know what they'd do to my hair.

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I've a strange, morbid fascination with wanting to know what they'd do to my hair.


It's ok.


I pluck my husband's eyebrows and he likes an occasional pedicure- and even pore treatments on his face- but he'd never tell his friends that. It's our little dark secret.


If you do ever use a hair straightner- you might want to have female supervison so you won't burn your hair off.


But as the others said- I don't think that girl was treating you as guest at a girl's slumber party when she offered to let you to sleep in her bed.



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I pluck my husband's eyebrows and he likes an occasional pedicure- and even pore treatments on his face- but he'd never tell his friends that. It's our little dark secret


Is he ok with you telling us all that? Or is this our little secret?


Magic_Monkey - It's ok. We all have our little unusual secrets. What's mine? Sorry, it's a secret. I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.


Anyways, I'm getting the impression it wasn't just treating you like a girlfriend.

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