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Is sex embarassing?


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Im a virgin and im really worried about having sex!! Is it embarasing the first tym? Do you know wat to do?!! Because im worried im going to do something wrong And the thought of being naked in front of someone scares me to death!! Im just so worried about it! Coz i wont know what to do ar anything!! help!!!

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Just take things slow and at your pace. If the guy loves you he will be willing to go as slow as you need to without getting him upset. If the guy knows what he is doing for the first few times there isn't really anything the girl has to do...just be comfortable with him and ask him what he likes maybe ask him to show you so you know what to do back...kinda follow the leader type thing!

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I agree...definitely find someone special who deserves you and it will be alot less embarrassing. I was quite nervous about sleeping with my new boyfriend for the first time together (its natural to be nervous your first time) but we both love each other alot and it ended up being amazing, with wonderful connection mentally as well. We were also comfortable enough together to discuss it before hand, so it reduced any worries we had. So find someone special and it shouldn't be that bad

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i think fear and embarrassment are signs that you are not ready and you have not found the right person to do it with. it will be a little scary but as long as youre with someone that you feel safe and secure with, you should feel ok. i find that girls are a bit more shy about this stuff than guys (b/c they are insecure about their bodies) but hopefully when you do it it will be with someone who makes you feel beautiful no matter what youre doing

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I think sex the first time, regardless of who you're with or how long you've known them is going to be a bit awkward. And being a virgin can also make it painful or at the least, uncomfortable. However, you have to begin somewhere. Over time, you learn more about what to do and what both parties involved really like. I agree that it should be with someone you have strong feelings for and that you are doing it for all the right reasons. Do it because it's what "you" want to do and not because of pressure from the guy or from peers...and make sure that "if" you proceed, you use protection! My first time was a real bummer...and the second time...and the third time... I was actually 18 before I started to enjoy it. The older you get, the better it gets.

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If you have truly wanted for the right person and the right time, it won't be embarrassing. It will be exciting. Your fears and insecurities will be calmed by the persons warm and gentle touch, as they let you know it is alright. If you feel embarrassed, you probably aren't ready for it.

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Regardless of gender the first time you have sex is not usually something you'd describe with the word "fun".


You can never be comfortable with another human being unless you are comfortable with yourself first. I like myself naked (however weird that may sound). I know I'm not perfect but I'm happy with my body. Being happy with yourself makes it easy for others to appreciate you (and your nakedness). When you love someone the physical things don't matter, honestly. That is why you are encouraged to wait until marriage because when you are married, you damn sure love your partner! I am in love with the person I lost my virginity to and although it was uncomfortable (it hurt like hell) I was good because I knew he didn't want to hurt me, that he loved me, and that he would take care of me. Being sure of the person you are with and their intentions makes all the difference. I knew I wouldn't regret my decision. Love and knowing you won't regret anything settles down any worries you may have.

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You can never be comfortable with another human being unless you are comfortable with yourself first... Being sure of the person you are with and their intentions makes all the difference. I knew I wouldn't regret my decision. Love and knowing you won't regret anything settles down any worries you may have.


Exactly. Wonderfully stated.


Never had sex myself, but of the experiences I do have, it was amazingly natural and totally comfortable. I'd dare say it was fun. And thats because it was with the right person. If its with the right person, that can calm the fears and insecurities you might have.

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Im a virgin and im really worried about having sex!! Is it embarasing the first tym? Do you know wat to do?!! Because im worried im going to do something wrong And the thought of being naked in front of someone scares me to death!! Im just so worried about it! Coz i wont know what to do ar anything!! help!!!



If you're this worried about it .. that probably means you're not ready.

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