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So I've been single now for atleast 6 months and I'm sick of it. I've been keeping my eyes open and looking for opportunities and what not.

I am getting compliments from girls and being told that I'm hot or that I'm an amzing person and what not...

So why am I still single??!!


It seems that all these girls are all straight and just like to flirt to mess with my head.

So I recently started talking to this girl (A) who is a friend of a friend of mine. She's looking for a serious relationship and so am I. We've talked, but haven't met yet. We have a lot in common. We were talking about hanging out together and meeting the other night but it didn't happen...


I have this other friend (B) (who has a girl) that likes this girl (A) that I really want to get to know on a more personal level. She (B) found out that I've been talking and getting close with this girl (A) and freaked out.

I don't understand, mainly cause she (B) has a girlfriend. And nothing's going on between her (B) and this girl (A) that I like.


So the reason why I didn't go hangout and meet this girl (A) was cause I didn't want the other friend (B) getting mad at me.

But when I told her (A) this she said that (B) "needs to get over it and not freak out, feelings are inevitable"


So do I still continue talking to this great girl and soon meet her.

Or blow it off and not even bother...


I'm just so sick of being single and ever time I find someone...someone else likes them or for some reason they are "off limits"...


I just want to take this opportunity to possibly get to know this amazing someone

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It seems that all these girls are all straight and just like to flirt to mess with my head.

Sounds similar to situations I've been in since coming out to myself and friends. There are those women which give out mixed signals or signals which seem flirty but as soon as you approach it they back off and tell you they're straight. Not a situation I'm fond of and makes me wonder sometimes if they just find this entertaining to test boundries or they're just confused and not ready to deal with the situation.


Personally, if the one woman you know has a girlfriend already, she shouldn't even be out "picking". There are few things in this world that bother me more so than people making reservations on others while they're in a relationship already with someone and haven't yet broke off. Its disturbing. Nonetheless she doesn't even know if this woman would want her (most likely why she hasn't broke off, potentially clingy woman (?) who needs to be in a relationship and doesn't want to be alone and needs to make sure before switching).


If it were me, this one woman you're interested is single and available I would pursue the chance. This friend is not only being selfish but truly in a way is cheating by making plans to pursue another woman while still being in an active relationship. That is unfair to who ever she is with and this woman if they were to get together.


So do I still continue talking to this great girl and soon meet her.

That is what I would do, opinions vary but seems like an appropriate course of action. The friend first needs to be responsible and with that comment this woman made if I read it in the right context seems to agree that she needs to get her act together and not do as she has.


Really in the end it depends on you, whether you want to try pleasing the world which doesn't usually work or please yourself and have a potentially positive and standing relationship.

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I agree with Jinx on this,


From the sound of it, there's a lot of potential here for you to strike a worthwhile relationship with Girl A. And while it's nice of you to take Girl B's feelings into consideration, I think that not pursuing things with Girl A because of this would do you a greater disservice than the mere inconvenience of potentially hurting Girl B's feelings -- especially if Girl B already has a girlfriend. If Girl B gets mad, she gets mad. You shouldn't have to go around blaming yourself or feeling awful for hurting her feelings just because you see someone and something you want, someone and something that could be great for you, and you want to pursue it.


"I just want to take this opportunity to possibly get to know this amazing someone"


Go for it!

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At least you've been in a relationship.. I'm 19 going on 20 in October & I have never been in a relationship. Heck, I never even kissed anybody before. I'd like to have a special somebody but I guess that special person will come along when the timing is right.

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At least you've been in a relationship.. I'm 19 going on 20 in October & I have never been in a relationship. Heck, I never even kissed anybody before. I'd like to have a special somebody but I guess that special person will come along when the timing is right.



Don't feel bad Kid -- I'm 23 and I've never kissed another guy, let alone been in a relationship. You're not in the "never been" boat alone, my friend. In fact, some of us have been rowing alone for quite some time. But it's good that you're staying positive!

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Don't feel bad Kid -- I'm 23 and I've never kissed another guy, let alone been in a relationship. You're not in the "never been" boat alone, my friend. In fact, some of us have been rowing alone for quite some time. But it's good that you're staying positive!

Makes three of us in the light of not having a same sex relationship, much less any same sex interaction. I keep finding straight women and it is counterproductive. Prufrock, do you still want that GayDar? Free To a Good Home.


I've been in two prior heterosexual relationships before coming out to myself and others. Yet, in the end they probably don't add up for much more than learning what to avoid in others.


Personally, I think it is a better situation that you realized your orientation and didn't get involved in the impossible so to speak. Meaning a relationship with a woman which wasn't compatible. Had I actually listened to my brain, I probably would of been a lot better off now, I think. Insight is nice but non compatible relationships I think aren't quite the way to gather it in the end.


Even though it may not seem all that soothing, I do believe we'll all find someone and be happy with our lives eventually. May not be this week, month or year but it will come. Keep your chin up on the situation and you will find what you're looking for. Or what you're looking for will find you, however.

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Jinx, I asked for your gaydar first! No fair! lol...


Anyway, Kidd, don't feel bad. I haven't been kissed either...

Well, technically speaking I have been kissed, by girls. And as you all know I would rather be kissed by guys(lol).


I'm in my mid 20's, but I'm still holding out hope that I'll find that right guy. I think all of us have a legitimate excuse. We've all been at that point when we were terriefied of being what we really are and shied away from all intimacy...

So, maybe I've had a late start but hopefully I'll get to make up for my lost time!

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Jinx, I asked for your gaydar first! No fair! lol...


You see what you've done, Jinx? It's like a pack of rabid wolves here fighting over the last piece of meat. That's how serious this gaydar business -- or lack of -- really is, haha!


Anyway, FoxLocke, I'm sure we can come to some sort of sharing agreement. Or at the very least work on duplicating and modifying this existing gaydar to make a much more powerful, much more accurate device! Mwahahaha!

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Jinx, I asked for your gaydar first! No fair! lol...

Did you? Sorry, this is what happens when you leave it up to an absent minded individual as I can sometimes be. I'll claim it has been an extremely busy week thus my memory is not in perfect working condition and prone to possible losses.


Long as you two can work out a contract.

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I guess there are a lot of people in the same boat situation. Thanks for the comments.


I just find it really frusterating...it gets really lonely.


I've also decided to go and meet up and hangout with this girl with in the next week. The other friend hasn't talked to me in a couple days and when I tried talking to her about it she blew me off and said it was okay...but then I hear from someone else that she couldn't stop talking about how pissed she was about the situation.

She's also blowing it out of proportion, cause this girl and I haven't even met. Nothing's even happened...who knows if anything even will happen..


I just find it interesting how everytime I like someone there's always something that seems to be in the way or hinder it from happening in some way...and I'm just sick of it.

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