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Being to much of a nice GUY????

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Iam a bad guy in A BIG PROBLEM!


Im good at flirting n making conversations, and women love to tlk to me..!!

I chat oftn with girls, nd i always get responses saying that iam a very interesting guy! i follow the cocky n funny rule!


But the problem lies here When i propose girls to be my gf......they say that iam a very very very good guy, with a big big heart! & atlast they make excuse and say a big NO!


Where the problem lies???? DO i propose them early( i usually do it in 3-4dayz)???????????????? they say we like u....but NO!



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I don't know, maybe you are trying too hard to come off as nice when you ask her out. If you are saying in those words 'I am a very very very good guy with a big big heart' then you are perhaps coming of as a bit desperate/needy like you are pleading with her to go out with you. Maybe if you cut down on the drama and just let her know you're a good guy. I don't think it really matters when you do it, girls make their minds up quit early on.

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3-4 days... to me it seems a little fast, I'm in NO way an expert though.

How about 3-4 dates (or equivalent)? I mean, they should at least know about you first.

I think this is the problem here. They just don't know you well enough and what they say is simply an easy way of letting you down.

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3-4 days is way too fast, as most users have already pointed out.


Another point, they don't see enough long term potential in you to seriously consider dating you. Being funny and interesting is a good thing. But that alone doesn't make you boyfriend material.


My advice to you is to take it slower. It's good to make your interest known from the start, but you need to go on at least a few dates before proposing.

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Yea, just like everyone else said, 3-4 days is way too soon, I'd actually say anywhere from like 6-8 dates, not 3-4...unless the girl was really just that into you and ready to become serious. Not to mention this either, since you seem to have no problem picking and flirting with girls(which most others have trouble with), you've got one of the more difficult parts figured out. So how about next time...instead of even letting the idea of being g/f and b/f crossing your mind, NEVER mention it until she does. Never talk about it unless she brings it up, if she does, don't delve into how you want a serious relationship right now, just say you're taking your time to get to know people, dating, and if it turns into something more, so be it... Basically, just play it cool about the relationship, let her worry about whether or not she wants it to 'go' further or not.

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I don't think guys of my age/generation in my country (whatever but basically most of the guys I know) will ever actually formally ask a girl out, so I don't know what this is like. Generally meeting each other becomes getting to know each other becomes going out with each other, there is no 'Will you be my girlfriend?' question. maybe this is the way to do it, but it really doesn't matter how long after you meet a girl you do something to start getting to know each other. As soon as possible I'd say, ask her for coffee or lunch or something. (I know it can be difficult to find things like this you can you at your age, 16 year olds aren't exactly the going for coffee generation, try something more different like ice skating, though it isn't quite as informal) I'm sure you'll know what's best

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I don't know, maybe you are trying too hard to come off as nice when you ask her out. If you are saying in those words 'I am a very very very good guy with a big big heart' then you are perhaps coming of as a bit desperate/needy like you are pleading with her to go out with you. Maybe if you cut down on the drama and just let her know you're a good guy. I don't think it really matters when you do it, girls make their minds up quit early on.



HEy i dnt tell girls that iam good..............they say that..!!!


Girls say, ur a very very very good guy! wid A BIG HEART!

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Oh, sorry, I misread your post. So this is just about when you ask them to be your girlfriend. Well In my opinion this happens naturally, like a build up to you becoming a couple, and it starts with getting to know eachother, which you really should start doing right from the off.

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