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The Hours Seem To Run Together

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I spend every day of my life alone.

This is rediculous. Why aren't any friends calling me?

why is everyone "busy" or out elsewhere. Once in a while, yes. But every day for the last 6 months??! Why am I even paying for a phone when it never rings. Why did I get my own apartment when I never leave it or I have no one to show it off to...no one to invite for dinner. Why am I learning to cook at that?


I spend all my time on MSN. Where people don't tend to say hi first or carry on any kind of conversation. Am I missing some HUGE piece of the puzzle here or something?


In theory - rumour has it - I'm physically atrractive, very high IQ, very talented in an field i touch, and romantic to the bone.


Yeah, right.

i've got bad vibes written all over me somehow.


Lonliness sets in every night. For hours.

I save m oney constantly so that when I finally get the chance I can take someone out for coffee. Good coffee. Espresso Coffee. You know?


I tried walking around the beach but there's never anyone out at night. I'm not dating some 83 year old walking her dog I need someone a TOUCH younger. Too bad they're the only people I run in to. Why can't more 20-year-olds walk their dogs at night.




--- --- ---

Take This Life

I'm Right Here


Stay A While,

And Breathe Me In

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I know your feeling, I wonder why I have a phone too.

I understand what you mean about cooking...I find that I can't be bothered doing things I should because I don't have any friends to do this for or to use this stuff (like getting my driver's license, getting my haircut, getting out of bed, general taking care of myself)


I spend every moment alone and most of them without even having contact with people.

When I try meeting people or talking to them it just sucks too much and I'd rather be on my own again.. then I'm on my own and wish I wasn't.


I spend all my time on MSN. Where people don't tend to say hi first or carry on any kind of conversation. Am I missing some HUGE piece of the puzzle here or something?
Me too, except I've got like no people on the list, and I couldn't talk to those couple of people about much anyway lol.

I don't get chatting on the internet... it shouldn't be your primary means of interacting with people because it is just stupid, it has a purpose, but it is just stupid.

I don't think you're missing anything, but I mean if you want to interact with people you shouldn't be spending all day on MSN!


I spend the entire day on the computer because I can feel less like I'm on my own but it just stuffs everything up because I'm not out there meeting new people.


In theory - rumour has it - I'm physically atrractive, very high IQ, very talented in an field i touch, and romantic to the bone.
The world makes no sense bro, maybe if you were a dumb jerk you'd get some friends lol...I've wondered this hahaaha.

You have the goods, you just have to advertise


I'd say the rumours are true though...you just need to help some self-confidence and self-belief.

If you have the bad vibes written all over you then people won't really like to be around you. And if you have a positive attitude and demeanor then you'll be happy about yourself whether you have a lot of people around or not.


Lonliness sets in every night. For hours.
Worst time of the day, I've cried myself to sleep and just a few nights ago I was like this.


I tried walking around the beach but there's never anyone out at night. I'm not dating some 83 year old walking her dog I need someone a TOUCH younger. Too bad they're the only people I run in to. Why can't more 20-year-olds walk their dogs at night
Lol...well you need to try some new things, like how about walking your dog during the day

Like I said, you've got the right stuff (and you will get a positive attitude won't you? ) you just need to "advertise" differently...so try new things, things that will let you meet new people.


I wish I did this stuff myself, but reality is I think it's easier said than done.

But it is the way to fix this stuff.

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The only thing I see missing is the motivation to seek out what you want. It's simple, just get out of the house... try, try again. I am no prize in the education, wealth or looks department... my life has been rich in love and pain both because I never stopped and isolated myself from the world. The online world is a good thing if kept in perspective to your real life... just keep getting out, initiate a conversation. You will strike out a large part of the time, but what about the time you don't? You won't get the chance to connect if you don't keep trying. It works... I'm 35 years old and I know this by now.

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Shake up your life. Quit your routines, limit your time on MSN, and learn how people work.


If you must, go through your phone and delete people. Make new friends. Life is not about waiting for people to take action. Live a proactive life, initiate new friendships, learn about people and how they work, do something for a young child or an elderly person, do things that make you feel good about yourself.

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I have a couple suggestions for you.


If you're living alone in your apartment, don't. Move back in with your parents so that you will be around them at the very least. Or move in with a sibling. Or close friend if possible.


You don't have to wait around for people, people can't read your mind... give them a call. Trust me, people like you, even if you don't think so you're probably just tricking yourself into thinking that.. they're just like you, they need people too.


Get a job where there are people around to meet and hang out with, people who are alike to you, so that at the very least when you're working you can talk to people. You can always make friends with them.


Get some hobbies, not even necessarily ones that get you to meet people. Hobbies that get you away from the computer, things like drawing etc. so that when you meet people you can talk about your hobbies with them; making yourself more interesting as well.


No need to want to be alone. If you ever get a chance to get out of the house, do it, and live it to the fullest with the other people. Don't think for a second that being at home alone is better, or safer. Risks are safer than you think because chances are you will benefit from them.


I have tons more suggestions for you, but focus on these first.

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