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should i pursue this?

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So my friends and I went away for the weekend with a bunch of other friends. Anyway, so one of our friends brought up her boyfriend and her boyfriends friend, who turned out to be a really nice guy, very cute, very personable, seemed stable and normal.


We all hung out all night, towards the end of the night he and I talked for a while, and it turns out we work very close to each other. So I suggested that we get together after work one day, and he said he would like that and gave me his #.


When we went back to the house we were all staying at, we kind of kissed a little bit and cuddled together the rest of the night. Nothing really happened, but then the next morning it was just awkward!


Everyone was going for breakfast, but my friends wanted to go skiing so I stayed back and went skiing with them instead. We wound up being out all day, and when we got back to the house our friends had left, and he obviously went with them, so we didn't really say goodbye.


My dilemma is I am not sure if he is really interested, or if he was just drunk and wanted someone to smooch on new years... I don't know if I should call him or text him, or just let it go. I know some guys don't like girls calling them, and I don't want to look desparate. I was thinking of texting him w/my # and saying to call sometime if he is interested in getting drinks, but I also don't want to look like I'm demanding and expecting that he has to call. What should I do?

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Call him, say you had a great time the other night and ask him if he would like to meet for drinks after work sometime this week or next week. You have nothing to lose by being direct but you can save some time and/or some 'wondering what if?'

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