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Hi guys and girls

I'm having Nc with my ex for 28 days.

We were very very close,we talked every day for like 30 to 60 minutes,shes dating this one dude for like almost 6 months.She's in love with him and all that bulls***t And i couldnt stand that so i started nc to move on.

Anyways i txt'ed her to wish her a mery christmas from my new cell phone (the old one is broken,so i cant know if she replyed me me or not) anyways i think of her every day,it's so god damn hard for me!

I dont know what to do!And i'm not thinking to contact her again if thats what you ask..But its so hard!!

Please give me some advice!!


BTW,if you sugest me a hobby or something like that i already have one,and its not helping much..

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Hi Mask!


So sorry to hear about your breakup. (((hugs))). Well, there is not much else to do or say except these things take time. There are no magic potions or magic words that will make the pain go away...there isn't an easy fix. Yes new hobbies help, plus working out, going out with friends do to. But ulitimately, these kinds of things take time. Time is the best healer. Yes, NC is hard, but usually the right things are the hardest things. Hang in there, you will feel better soon...I promise. Take care.

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Take a deep breath and rest assure you ARE NOT ALONE. . .today is just your brick wall day! I am having one as well. . .but you need to know that you have done this for 28 days, and you will have days like today! But as time keeps going on, these days will come far and few. . .my suggestion is write about it on here. . .right ALL of your frustrations even if it's a pm to me. . .getting it out tends to clear the mind and may be that all you need to do. . for example, write to me as if I am here . .. don't hold anything back. Don't sugar coat anything. . .get it all out and send it to me. . . That way you know it's all out, it's been sent (not to her so she will never know) but to me. . .this is a lot more theraputic then you can imagine. You have a lot bottled up in you right now that pertains to her and you just need to release it. . .and when you have these days, that's what it is about. For all of these NC days, you have been doing great and it will get easier I promise. . . .but you have to realize. . .these days happen, it doesnt mean you took any steps back, it's just a day that your mind and body are telling you to take a moment and release. . .So try it and see what happens. . .then go do your hobby



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