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Do girls like biting?

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The last girl I made out with told me to bite her here and there (ear, neck, nipples other parts), admittedly I had not done that before to any girl so it was totally new to me. Thus I have to ask does it turn on most girls and if yes why? If no why?

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I'd be curious to know myself. If I had to guess I would say that those are sensitive areas and the act creates a pleasant sensation. I wouldn't know if it would be biting that would cause that reaction, and if so, light biting I would assume. But nibbling I can see as being very nice to a women.

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Everyone's wired differently.


What may feel good to one person (male or female) may be downright painful to another. What's painful to one person (again, male or female) may feel like the lightest of sensations to another. There are also activities that might feel good with some partners and not with others.


This is why you need to communicate with your partner(s)...especially if they are a new-to-you partner. Be open to try new things or try old things when in a new relationship, and be honest about what your likes/dislikes/turn-ons/turn-offs are. Just because you didn't like the way your ex did (fill in the blank with whatever activity), doesn't mean you won't like the way your new SO does (repeat activity here). Could be your ex just wasn't very good at or didn't enjoy (activity), and your new SO happens to love doing (activity) and is just better at it.


Being in a power exchange relationship and into BDSM, I'm well aware my husband and I routinely do things that would make most people wince in pain at best or scare the livin' daylights out of 'em at worst, but we both enjoy what we do, and that's the only part that matters.


And always remember...when it comes to a new sexual partner..experimentation can be fun

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shes2smart is definitely smart, communication is key. I think the best thing to do is just ask your partner, or just try it lightly and ask her if she likes that or not, though sometimes in the midst of the act it's hard it might be hard to be honest, which is why I think talking about your likes and dislikes candidly is best. Personally I like some biting (nipples) but can't stand anyone doing anything to my neck or ears. Everyone is just different.

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This is why you need to communicate with your partner(s)...especially if they are a new-to-you partner. Be open to try new things or try old things when in a new relationship, and be honest about what your likes/dislikes/turn-ons/turn-offs are. Just because you didn't like the way your ex did (fill in the blank with whatever activity), doesn't mean you won't like the way your new SO does (repeat activity here). Could be your ex just wasn't very good at or didn't enjoy (activity), and your new SO happens to love doing (activity) and is just better at it.


Totally Agree with Shes2Smart.... everyone is different. And communication is key. I think the chemistry is different between partners.


Biting. hmmmm... I don't know if I'd say I like biting as much as nibbling. Biting as in leaving teeth marks... uhhhh no. But a grazing of the teeth or a nibbling feeling.. yep. Some people like it. And there is a trust involved that she trusts that you won't hurt her or mark her up.


You're a lucky guy if she's communicating to you and telling you what she likes. Keep those lines of communcation open. Its a good thing.

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Even if you got the god of all answers for this, it probably wouldnt be of any importance. Because, for me, i find that one day i absolutely love being bitten and the next its a bit of a touchy subject and i dont really enjoy it at all. I think a womans (and a mans) body is sensitive to different degrees at different times. I think if a fella jumped into biting straight away i wouldnt find it sensual at all, either, i think its something that has to be gradually put into play.


When you begin to know your partners body and reactions youll be aware of what foreplay can be put into action.


Its quite stressful when people believe theres routine to foreplay, then again, for some there might be.



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