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In love with a married man! Can anyone help?

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He's married. He has kids. It is WRONG to mess with it. If you can't walk away from this you need some serious help. He needs help too figuring out what to do about his life. If you do get together, he'll do the same to you. Do you really think he should be in a relationship or having more kids till he straightens out his stuff??

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Hi: I just wanted to say that I can relate to you. I too am in love with a married man. Sometimes I feel like I'm losing my mind!! Unlike your situation however, the guy I'm in love with does not have children. He is into his second marriage and is supposedly in love with me. For eight months now I have been accepting bread crumbs from him. Recently I had a friend ask me if I didn't I didn't think I deserved more. Even though I told her I thought I did deserve more it's quite obvious that my actions prove otherwise. He tells me he loves me and is serious about wanting to leave her to be with me, but that he needs to find the courage to do so. Intellectually I know this is not healthy for me, but I am having a hard time letting go. Recently I had started using positive affirmations to help me to let him go. Hopefully I have planted the seed and the feelings will follow. Good luck with your decision.

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Tell him he must leave his wife or not contact you again. You must do this. I fell in love this way 17 years ago and am still on the couch sorting it out. Am married to very loving man and it has taken me this long to really let my husband into my heart because the other man I first loved had all of me. Love affair that steals your heart and leaves you empty inside very very very very very difficult to heal from. No one has sympathy for the Other Woman. You will be alone in the healing. Make him decide then make yourself stick to your decision. You could be spoiling a good many years of your future.

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I know your situation way too well. I had an affair with a married man for 3 years, we even had a child together. He ended up leaving her twice and went back both times because she made him feel guilty. Well he has finally left for a third time and has been staying with me for a week now. I just hope this is it.


This is my best advise to you, please take it.


Tell the man he has to leave or it is over between you two. It is the only way to end this circle relationship you guys have. If he doesn't leave then you need to move on. I know I have heard that way too many times, but I wish I would have made him decide and move on instead of waiting around. i waisted so much time crying and being upset and when I finally did tell him that, it wasn't that bad without him. I didnt have to worry about what he was doing with his wife or if he was going to call that day or if he was going to come over. I waited all the time. DIdn't go do things cause I thought he might come by. It was bad and I would not do that part of it over again. I am giving him this last chance now, if he goes back I will never see the man again except for our son, no matter how much I love him or how much I want to stay. I wish you all the luck in the world with this. As I know how wrong it is to do that to another woman, love sometimes blinds us. Don't let it blind you anymore, give him the option to be with you, but be with you in the right way.

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  • 3 years later...
  • 3 years later...

I dont know if this helps, but Im married 21 years, seeing someone else and still sleeping with my wife. Not because I want to but because I have to. Im sure that sounds weak but Its complicated. I have kids, my wife doesn't work, I want to make sure the time is right so it hurts the least, if thats possible. I wish I could tell her and leave right now but it would not be the right time. My wife doesn't know and I want to tell her, its the right thing to do but what will the consequences be. She doesn't have a job, we own a house, three kids. The relationship I'm in has its own issues as well. She's not sure herself if we should continue. This is more about me and not my wife or the one I'm in love with. Its about doing what's right for me and to stop living my life for everyone else. Its something I've never done. I wish you and I both weren't in our situations, I'v never been so confused in my life. But I know my marriage is over, I know I love her I just want to do the right thing and I'm not sure I'm. I was getting some advise from her be she doesn't feel right, its not her place. Its up to me.

I've told her I'm not sleeping with my wife because I'm afraid she wouldn't understand. I'm not sure I do. Its so hard.

I wish I at least had the income to tell my wife she would be taken care of and I would be there for our kids. But I know its not about the money to her at all.

It will crush her I know.

Hope I didn't make this more about me than you but maybe I helped is some way.

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