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Folks i am done..last night i buried her and sukerbut...My name is Peter i live in new york i am an institutional bond broker on wall street..i want to thank you all for the support, but its time to move on..I love you al..you have been nothing but great support to me..i have also met some really good people on this web site. i know i said good bye before but this time its for real..i am a done..mournign and wanting this cancer in my life back..i dont know what happened last night but i value myself more than a 22 yr old h oar. GOOD BYE and GOOD LUCK

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Jesus Martha, you scared the heck out of me by the title you put Peter!


I hope everything you want and need in life comes your way. I hate to see you leave this forum because you have given great insight/advice to others, but you must do what you have to do! Good luck with everything and happy holidays





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Gave me a shock with that one, Peter.


I've been thinking of you all morning and then read of your demise. Until I read the full post I was pretty upset. I care about you, guy!


Good to hear of your breakthrough. If you need the forum, don't be afraid to pop in.

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This was one of the hardest issues to deal with at first coming out of the breakup. Realizing that the person you once loved is "dead" is a hard thing to accept. But also making the realization that the person that fell in love with your ex (you) is also "dead" can be even harder to deal with. Change is very scary. On the other hand, the possibilities are endless and the world truly is your oyster. You now have an opportunity to redefine who you are and become 10 times the man you were before. I wish you luck on your journey. May you find happiness.

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