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big thing


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i have decided to NEVER EVER let any guy treat me badly again. i dont know how i will accomplish this except i need to know that my instincts were right the whole time. that i deserve someone who treats me wonderfully (the way i would treat him). to not fall too fast, to take time slowly, to become friends first, to not be doing anything sexual outside of an intimate, exclusive relationship.........to heal.......to overcome my issues.......to know i deserve better, to know that having my pride, dignity, selfrespect, and selfesteem feel better than having any man. to not try so hard to make it work when all the problems are on his side.

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I'm glad you realized this is what you need to do. It took me a long time to figure that out. I'm just beginning the healing process. I'll just pass along some of the wisdom other people have given me: develop your own interests hobbies, explore what you are good at, meet new people.


Once you love yourself, some of the problems you've been having with being obsessive and trying too hard to make something work when its his fault...they will fade. I'm glad you've made this decision.

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I'm really happy for you that you have decided this. Treat yourself really special and then you won't accept mistreatment...you will know your worth.

I've let go of a couple of friendships that were pulling me down...sometimes even your friends can damage your self esteem, not just men.


Be strong

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Congratulations "Teacup" - the next couple days will be difficult for you, but I promise, time will help you heal.


Remember, DO NOT RESPOND to his txt msgs, e-mails, or telephone calls. By the end of the week, he'll realize he doesn't have as much control over the situation as he thought and he'll regret like hell ever disrespecting you.

Show 'em you deserve better than anything he can dish out!


And you know where I'm at if you want to chat a/b it more!

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