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I feel bad posting so much, but you all have helped me more than you know. =)


I posted in Breaking Up about getting my brand new mountain bike back from my ex's. The bike wasn't the important thing really, it was just that it was locked outside of his house, so every time he would come in and out of his place he would see my bike. My main intentions were to have no more windows of communications open.


So, I got my bike today while he was at work, and it wasn't as bad as I thought. I was DREADING driving to his house and seeing him, or seeing him maybe with another girl. But, he was gone, and as I was driving the 40 miles home, I felt so relieved.


Its still very hard, because Ive been with him for 2 years, and I love him so much.


He hasn't even called me or tried to make up to me. I was the one who wrote him the email saying I had had enough of his temper, and that I was done with us for a while. No response. Ive only slipped up once last friday when I told him that we should go to a facial we'd scheduled months back, and that I missed him as well. AHH! I was so dumb! He didn't even respond.


It hurts me that he doesn't call, but that just shows me what kinda man he is. He may have even moved on to his next woman/victim, but you know what, as long as I am free from him, I know I will be happier in the long run! He will probably treat her like crap too...

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Thanks for the encouragement.


now I just need to stop thinking about why he hasn't called, if he is with a new girl, etc...


Im doing better, and i haven't broken NC. By what you have all told me, soon I wont even care what he is doing or if he has moved on.


Its been exactly a week and he hasn't called, but in a way, it makes it easier.

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Lizzy - don't keep thinking about what he is doing - it will only drive you insane - just keep doing what you are doing, focus on the things that you can change (you).


You are right - when they don't contact you after a while it does it make it easier.

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