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Success story

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I'm sure that most of you have read my other posts I have put up over the last couple of months. I just wanted to let you all know how things were going.


The love of my life and I are back together and we are both very happy. We know it isn't going to be all wine and roses, but we are committed to making this work. I did the NC that we all talk about here. It was a long road, (not as long as some) and it was hard to do, but in the end it all came out great. I knew it was for the best. I needed time to figure out some things, and she needed time too. It was great because we both realised how much we meant to each other during that time apart. I told her about NC and why I did it. She didn't know at the time that was what was happening, she just thought I didn't want anymore to do with her. She said the time apart was good for her too. She says it gave her time to look back and see that things between us weren't that bad at all, that they were actually very good. We had our problems that's true, but most of them can be solved by better communication on both our parts.


I bought an online book "How to Get Back Your Ex" by Brian Caniglia. I followed his instructions to the letter. I did EVERYTHING that he recomended. They really worked. It also helped me discover me again. I feel good about myself and had a lot of my confidence back. This may not work for everyone, but it's still a great resource to have.


Good luck to all of you out there and don't give up hope. I wish you all the very best. Thank you again for your support.

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I am glad to hear that things are going so well for you and your girl. Sounds like you both took the time to figure out why you split and are devoted to working on it together.


As for the book that you bought online, it's important to remember that the only way you are going to "get your ex back" is if they want to come back, and work on it with you.


I have a success story too. My bf and I broke up last winter and I moved out. After a few months we were able to get back together and I moved back in this past summer. Things are going great, only because it's what we both want and it's equally important to both of us. I'm sure it's that way with you and your girl too.


Best of luck!

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I've also downloaded it a few weeks ago.


It's a waste of money, really. It basically says things you can read here:


It says to do NC for a full month. While you do NC, exercise (there's four pages dedicated to exercise), take up hobbies, heal, etc. Then after a month, you have to plan to contact your ex to meet.. and by that time you will be confident and all that crap. The ex will see how confident you are and apparently be attracted to you, because "all people are attracted to confident people".


It tells you to not show your weakness and call and say how much you miss them, etc.


The only thing of the ebook worth reading is the push pull theory. That when someone pushes, it's human reaction to pull away. And that's page 2.


It's at . It's a good read, don't get me wrong. But for us people, it's a waste. It seriously looks like someone took everything from this forum and put it in an e-book for someone to buy it for 25 bucks.


He makes it look like a miracle, like a total work of art to get your ex back. It's really not. It's basically 20 pages of what NC is, why NC is good for us, why it's important for us to heal, exercise, hobbies, blah blah. Then at the end of the book it basically says in a nutshell, "If you don't get back with your ex after reading this then oh well" HA! Well not that exactly hehe! But it says by the end of the month you are NC, you might not even want them back anyway.


Besides that, it's everything you can read here. HE even says that.. he says he went on some website Forum and wrote down everyone's advice.

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You're forgetting a key element in the book Natalie. While doing NC you are suppose to go out on a minimum of 3 dates. Can be with 3 different people or the same person 3 times. Doesn't matter. This is suppose to help improve your confidence as well as help to make sure that you really want them back. I do agree with you though that it's a waste of money. It's all common psychology sense.

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You're forgetting a key element in the book Natalie. While doing NC you are suppose to go out on a minimum of 3 dates. Can be with 3 different people or the same person 3 times. Doesn't matter. This is suppose to help improve your confidence as well as help to make sure that you really want them back. I do agree with you though that it's a waste of money. It's all common psychology sense.


I just don't get that. I really don't. I know dating lets you see what's out there, but I think someone's mindset right after a break up is totally askew to their regular dating mindset. We hold our ex's high on a pedestal. Not finding someone who reaches those expects just might lead to disappointment.


Hey, I may be wrong. But I think it's best to be alone for the following few weeks after split to regain your sense of self.

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I went to the webpage, but didn't order the book. One thing struck me as rediculous though... it said these techniques work even if you ex isn't interested. That makes no sense- what did he have to say about that? One other thing... he outlines a first conversation. How is it supposed to "go down." Seems hokey to me.

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  • 9 months later...

I too have gotten back together with my Ex. It is an understatement when we say its alot of hard work, but I see positive change in her, the way she now writes love letters and stuff like that. We have a lot to work through and I mean alot of baggage but when we talk about things its always ''us'' and 'we', shes in another city now so were in an LDR so things are still rocky but with these new changes things may be looking up. Time will tell.

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  • 4 months later...

Dear All, I was lucky to find Enotalone to fine that i am not alone in this world. Although I live in Egypt, it is inspiring to find that other people can feel how it hurts to break up with the love of your life. I found out from Ellie2006 that NC means No Contact; however, can anyone give me directions and elaborate more on this concept and how to apply it to help me get my ExGF back

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Hi there Pharaoh,


Welcome to ENA!

I am so sorry to hear of the circumstances that has brought you here, though.


I am sure you will find many threads here on ENA regarding NC so you may want to browse through some of them on your own for more info.


In a nutshell:


NC is something we do NOT to get our exes back BUT to heal ourselves by shielding ourselves from information about our ex's post-breakup life that might harm us further.


NC is NOT right for all situations; especially when there are children involved, NC is not realistic nor is it advocated.


Consequently, NC means no phone calls, no emails, no text messages, no IMs, no checking up on ex's Myspace or Facebook, no "accidentally" running into them in town, no driving past their house, no (cyber) stalking them, no asking friends about how the ex is doing, etc etc.


No contact, imho, means: completely distancing yourself from your ex so that you can fully focus on YOUR healing.


I am sure other members will further elaborate on NC.


Hope this helps.


Also, if you would like more specific feedback that's relevant to your particular situation, how about starting a thread?


Take care of yourself!


Sending best wishes your way,



(ps. Sorry to the OP for going off on a tangent for a bit)

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glad to see this thread.. gives me hope. me and my ex are in light contact right now, and she seems to be making progress with her problems(we've been apart for a month). we even talked about some of "our" problems the other day, and she seems to understand that they can be worked on("our problems" were only a minor reason for our breakup).


i really want to meet up with her, but not sure when i should ask her again. i asked her for V-Day but after considering it for a week she told me she wasnt ready to see me yet. ..but it didnt seem like she "didnt want to" see me, so much as it seemed like she was scared of falling back into the relationship too fast.. so i dont know.


one thing i know is that even the light contact has helped in that ive been exercising more, actually lost 7 or 8 lbs, and gained back a lot of confidence in myself that i had lost in the process of "getting comfortable" in our relationship. ive also put more time into my hobbies, reconnected with old friends, and all that good stuff.

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  • 2 months later...


I'm suffering from a brokenheart too. i'll do anything to get him back, this is the 3rd time someone mentioned How to get your ex back ebook by brian. 24 bucks is a small price to pay only if he start talking to me again. Thks guys.

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That guide I am sure was only a placebo for the true love that was rekindled under the ash.



I am a believer of (book or not) that love will find love regardless...


I am happy for you both and congratulations!!!



You truly didn't need a book....life doesn't have a "guide".



Be proud of yourself...





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