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I found out im pregant


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Im 18 and I took a test and found out im pregant. The last time i remember having my periord was in september like during the end of the month. I feel sick alot. I dont know how far along i am. the guy i was with were no longer together. im really scared cuz i dont want a kid. I want to get an abortion. I dont even know where to start. I have no health insurance because my dad passed away not to long ago. My mom doesnt have a job (she doesnt know).. and I work part time and dont make alot. So what do I do?

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First, tell your mom. You will be surprised how much pressure and stress that will release.


Second see a doctor. He/she will be able to give you a fairly accurate assessment of how long you have been pregnant for. It sounds like you are somewhere around the 8 to 10 week mark so you still have options.


You still have options but don't leave things any longer. You need to start making decisions and getting medical advice.

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First, tell your mom. You will be surprised how much pressure and stress that will release.


Second see a doctor. He/she will be able to give you a fairly accurate assessment of how long you have been pregnant for. It sounds like you are somewhere around the 8 to 10 week mark so you still have options.


You still have options but don't leave things any longer. You need to start making decisions and getting medical advice.


Excellent advice!

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Im 18 and I took a test and found out im pregant. The last time i remember having my periord was in september like during the end of the month. I feel sick alot. I dont know how far along i am. the guy i was with were no longer together. im really scared cuz i dont want a kid. I want to get an abortion. I dont even know where to start. I have no health insurance because my dad passed away not to long ago. My mom doesnt have a job (she doesnt know).. and I work part time and dont make alot. So what do I do?


Okay, if your last period was end of September, rough guesstimate would be you are about 6-8 weeks along, which is pretty early, but you still need to get going on this now.


I do recommend you do tell your mom, she may be upset at first, but her support may be really important. However, if you can't, I understand. But really, it might help you a lot in the end.


Call your local Planned Parenthood and tell them your financial situation. They can talk to you, and tell you your options and what you can do. There are ways to help someone without any money, including working out weird payment plans like $1/month for life. So talk to them about what you can do, and go and see them in person of course. They can give you references, and help. Also, make sure that if you choose an abortion, you also talk to a counsellor at Planned Parenthood/or at their reference to help you with the process mentally.




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Planned Parenthood is defintely the way to go on this one. It's gonna cost about $250 but like RayKay said they can work out some payment options. You'll also need to bring a friend with you if your not comfortable telling your mom and having her go with you. They won't let you leave if you dont have someone with you because although you dont have to stay overnight they dont want you drivng immediately afterwards.

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I'm sorry to hear about your father.


Why doesn't your mother know?

Can you tell her?


Planned parenthood would be a very helpful organisation to be contacting at this stage.

- Find your nearest centre using this link.


Good luck, and take care.

PM me anytime if you would like to talk.

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*Hugs* Sweetchick. I've followed your posts over the months and I'm really sorry to hear you're scared and not feeling well. This must be a really frightening time for you. You've been given excellent advice. I just wanted to let you know that I'm here for you if you need to talk to someone.




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Ok, I know the abortion can be emotionally draining (oh who am I kidding, I am a guy) but one thing I wanted to ask: Is there anyway you can ask the father of child to compensate or share the payment? Or is he one of those people that would go crazy over having an abortion? I mean, after all, it's his kid too and he should, if agrees, pay half the bill.

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yeah, is there anyway you can get the father to help ? HE is part of this too and needs to sum it up like a man.


please tell your mom and see a dr.


follow the advice given here, its been great.


I am curious though, did you use any form of protection? if so what kind of protection was it???


i am so sorry dear...sending you many hugs and kisses...May God bless you through all of this.


and I only hope you do what you feel is best for you - good luck!!!

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Agreed, the father is a part of this as well and should be willing to help you out. It is his baby as well, and he should hopefully have a voice.


Also, please consider all options before going on with the abortion. I know right now you are scared and it may seem like the only way out. But don't panic and jump to conclusions. Think of the child. And think of other people who may be able provide that child with the love and support you are not currently in the position to give.

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Shy, I never much liked influence myself.

This brings in a whole new debate of whether it is a child or not. Which I will not get into on the boards.


It is the OP's decision in the end, and she will make the decision which she sees fit.

If she wants to get the father involed - that's good. But the decision is hers. All the father has is influence and an opinion - he has no rights.

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If I am remembering the paper I did on this correctly, she is far enough along that it should be considered a life form. Even if you don't want to say it is a living entity yet, there is no doubt that it is in the process of becoming a living entity and his or her rights to have a chance at life should also be considered. Not to start a debate, but I feel very passionately on this.


Three people have rights in this situation. The mother has the rights to being safe and ok doing the pregnancy. The father at least has the right to having his voice heard (I'm assuming it wasn't rape). And the child has the right to a chance at life.


Ultimately Sweetchick has to make the choice on her own. I am just urging her to consider all options and honestly do what her heart is telling her is right. In the confusion, panic, and frightfulness of the situation it may seem like abortion is the only way out. But there are other options.


My sister would not be enjoying a beautiful baby of her own right now had the mother went ahead with an abortion instead of giving her up for adoption. She's been extremely happy ever since. I think bringing that kind of joy into someones life is worth it.

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