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Those of you who know, I broke up with my g/f last month. This obviousely casued problems and these are things that have come from it and stuff;-

- Well been very depressed but have started to lift out of that and have had afew highs lately.

- Problem is she is getting with my "so called best mate".

- I have finally taken all things of her that are on computer and saved them to CD then deleted them from computer. And filed that along with pictures and things away. Made me cry soo much though.

- Also really I found the best way to make mypain go away is drinking. And I dont want to go down that avenue and how long can this last.

- Is there something wrong with me because I really want to see my own blood ooze from like my mouth or body. I not self harming but want to see the blood.

- finally all my problems have come at once. First I lost the girl I loved to my best mate, secondly I am stuck in a boring job with no job satisfaction but I need to keep it so I can get a referance, finally I am getting really behind in my school work and will be lucky to get a D grade in my A2 biology at the rate im going. This is cos I have not got time to study cos of work which I cant quit yet and need to pay for alcahol.


Ok sorry that was very long and had no logical order, but would be appretiated if anybody could just say anything bout any of these points. Thought I was doing well till I ound my ex was seeing best mate behind my back and both were lying to me. Now I turning into a screwball again.

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Get your priorities straight - I do not want to see you slip down a road which you will find it harder to get up from.


1) Get off the drink. No excuses. Face your troubles like a man.

2) Not much of a 'best friend', friends can be replaced, and this one is best out of your life - at least for now.

3) You have gone through the correct routes to get yourself back on track. Puting your ex's things out of the way; where they cannot hurt you so easily.

4) Self-harm is not the way. Keep them as uncontrollable thoughts and do not act on them. In the long-run - it's in your best interests.

5) Talk to me. PM me when you are feeling low. Add me to MSN/AIM.

Let me provide perspective. I know your story and how far you have come.

Allow me to point you in the right direction.

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It sounds to me like you're suffering from depression. I suggest the first thing you do is talk to your doctor.


The problem with your ex and your best mate, well by the sound of it I think they've been trying not to hurt your feelings by keeping the relationship secret. I'm sure they've both seen how the break up has affected you and that you're struggling with work and school.


I suggest you do what everyone else tries to do. You throw yourself into your school work to keep your mind off it.


Good luck and take care.

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