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I'm 18/ I'll never fall in love

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Lately, I've been worrying about falling in love. I'm still young, 18, but I'm afraid that I'll never fall in love with someone or never find a soul mate, or somebody who is my "other half."


I used to believe that we're all meant to find someone who completes us but that's changed. Probably because I haven't had any good relationships yet. My first boyfriend cheated on me; the next guy who was interested in me was also seeing someone else. I don't want to stereotype, but a lot of the guys I've encountered, are just simply not interested in the type of romance that I envision. It could be because I'm still young and have only been involved with young guys, but then could it be reality?


Is it going to take me years to find someone? Nobody can honestly answer that. I'm just afraid of never falling in love. I'm also afraid of putting myself out there, my time and my feelings, because there's a good chance that I'll get hurt again. I don't want to end up being alone.


I'd just like to hear any opinions on this subject.

Has anyone been where I am? Any advice?

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hey WOW. im like......25 and such. i've never been in love.


so i should be like digging my grave now right?


my point is......u have A LOT of time. how do you know the future?


i've gone through heartbreak, men have come and go.....i want to experience love but hey......what can you do but live happy everyday anyways?

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I was going through the same thing as you, and honestly, love takes time to find - it does. It can take a while to find the right person.


You are still young, don't worry about it.. study, get work, and enjoy yourself while you are still single...


As soon as you stop caring about never ever having a boyfriend, your outwards confidence will improve and you will start to be approached by guys...


I agree with Teacup though- make every day count and make every day a good day... enjoy it! Life is for living!

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Im a guy and I know exactly where you are coming from. I have had a really bad experience in the one relationship (and only relationship) I have had in that I was cheated on (a lot more to it but thats the basic crux of it). Anyhow, I often worry that I'll never find someone because the type of love and romance I envision sometimes seems as if it just doesn't exist and it never will. A lot of the time I feel like giving up as well.


I guess the best thing to do is just not worry about relationships too much and just know that one day you WILL meet someone, but in the mean time try not to get too worked about it.

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It sucks when you get older because you know that you're not getting any younger. At 18, you are too young to give it a second thought. You have your whole life ahead of you, with plenty of opportunities to meet girls like college or wherever young folks hang out. Even at 21 or 25 there is no need to panic. Butt 32, now you've got some worrying to do, like me.

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Kyo, you're only 32 and you DO have the rest of your life infront of you. I know it may not seem like it, there are still a tone of woman who are in their late 20's, early to mid thirties who are single. Some have never been in relationships. My cousin's 33, she's never had a boyfriend. I know many woman around the same age who are still single and of course they feel the clock ticking, especially fo those who want to have children. But heck, people are having children later and later these days. Use the same advice you just gave to Losted32flower, for yourself, don't give up.

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I didn't fall in love until this year at age 22. And I'm still waiting for someone to love me back with whom I can spend my life with.


I know how much it burns inside each of us to find that right person who loves and understands us like no other. That person we can share the romance and life we have always dreamed off. And I know how much it hurts when that doesn't seem to ever happen.


Relationships and love happen in their own time. It isn't a race. It isn't a competition. The vast majority of people at your age don't even have a clue what real love is. You shouldn't be comparing yourself to others who have had relationships or say they are in love. It isn't about when you find love, its about who you find it with. You want that love to be real, true, and lasting.


Sad to say you will probably run into many guys who aren't ready for what you want. But there are other guys out there who do want that. And you will find someone in time. The waiting is excruciating and hard, but it is all worth it in the end. Don't give up hope.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is time to worry. I remember when I was in 4th grade that I started longing for a g/f. For whatever reason I've wanted a g/f since 2nd grade and I guess God is making me go through living hell by making me suffer w/sad thoughts of being lonely since then. Guess that's what I get for not going to church that often But anyways at that time I figured oh, just wait a while and you'll be okay. Next thing you know I was in HS, then in college and now 24 about to be 25 in 7months and in a hellish situation where the odds for me finding love is low.


Don't wait too long man. Or else you will end up like me and Kyo. Listen to Kyo's advice. He's been through it. Shy has good advice but I feel me and Kyo at times present the other angle which is good to see from time to time.

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Isn't it funny? There's all these lonely young women out there (including me) and all these lonely young men out there who say they can't find someone. One and one together makes two. But neither side can find the other. Is it a lack of communication or a lack of courage?

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Isn't it funny? There's all these lonely young women out there (including me) and all these lonely young men out there who say they can't find someone. One and one together makes two. But neither side can find the other. Is it a lack of communication or a lack of courage?


It's bad timing and circumstances. Even when you do find them, thats no guarantee it will work as any number of things can get in the way.


If you can control whether to love someone or not, then you do not love that person truly


True. Love is something that we have to feel, not something we have control over.

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I think being out there on a limb with your heart on your sleeve can be daunting for anyone, and a lot of people don't want to because they are thinking of the "what if" scenarios.


There is never any guarantee that putting yourself out there is going to be a positive experience (there is no number for the amount of guys I have asked out who have rejected me) and it can bruise your ego, quite badly if it's a repeated thing... but sometimes you just have to put yourself out there..


No one wants to be lonely, and I'm so fortunate to have someone...even if he is a pain in the bum at the best of times...


Just stay positive, put yourself out there and remember your age... if you worry about no one finding you, you will become depressed... just do what you can with your life! Do things you enjoy, meet new people, spend time studying or travelling!!

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I think being out there on a limb with your heart on your sleeve can be daunting for anyone, and a lot of people don't want to because they are thinking of the "what if" scenarios.


True. But the saddest and scariest "what if" is:


"What if I had said something back then instead of keeping quite? What if we could have worked out only if I would have done something?"


So when life gives you the opportunity, make the most of them. Carpe diem. Sieze the day.

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It's so funny being on the other end of the spectrum. Have any of you been on the ex bf/gf forum. Trust me, you will meet someone and it will be great. There is a good chance it will not work out and you will meet someone else. You are in for a long haul. I am learning that the key to this existence is to not think too much. I did not have my first relationship till about 23. She broke my heart after 8 months. I then met my next girlfriend who became my wife for a total of five years. She was awesome, but it just did not work out. After her, I met my most recent ex girlfriend who went out with me for three years. I am still dealing with the loss, but my point is that you will experience it and it will be great and hard. This is life my friends. I think because I have only had three relationships in my life that the break ups have been really hard. This last one was so tough. After a year of friendship, I finally cut off contact. Just know that there may be a soulmate, but there are definitely a lot of special people that will be in your life. I miss all of my ex's and obviously miss my last ex more than anything in this world. I wake up everyday thinking of her. But, just be strong and deal with it. Relationships are great and I would not change anything. Losted32 you are so young and have so much time. The next few years are those where most guys want to have fun. It may be hard to get serious, but maybe you will. But, I promise after 23 you will definitely meet your true love. It will be great! We all have to experience life. The good times, the bad times, the sad times. It just makes us who we are. Good luck girl!



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Losted32flower don't worry about falling in love at such a young age. I was 20 when I fell in love for the first time. It was my first real girlfriend. It lasted 3 good years, but ended a few months ago. It takes a lot of honesty and comittment to fall in love with someone and this shouldn't be rushed. You are still young and there is plenty of time to find someone.


But you know what is weird, before I truly fell in love with a girl, LOVE didn't really matter to me. I was content with myself and it didn't bother me that I was single. There were more important things in life to me. But once I tasted what it is like to be in love I fell hard for it. Now that I know what it is like, my life feels lacking without it. It is a really good feeling be in love. But then again if you loose that person you will be crushed and wish you never feel in love. Be happy and content with yourself before you fall in love. Because love doesn't always last. You need a stable platform to fall back on incase things don't work out.

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