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Read this on Regretfulman

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anymore. It may take some time though, in most cases your ex will enjoy the new person, but guess what? Every relationship has a "honeymoon" stage, where everything is perfect and good and the person you are with seems like "the one". Well this stage doesn't last very long, and soon the grass isn't so green on the other side. This is when you have your best chance at having the ex come back to you, but you must be practicing No contact all along for it to work. People, all it takes is one fight sometimes between the ex and the new person, to send them running back to you, but never take them back right away, always wait, and don't seem eager to get back.

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  • 9 months later...

Well this stage doesn't last very long, and soon the grass isn't so green on the other side. This is when you have your best chance at having the ex come back to you, but you must be practicing No contact all along for it to work. People, all it takes is one fight sometimes between the ex and the new person, to send them running back to you, but never take them back right away, always wait, and don't seem eager to get back.


why the hell would you want someone like this back?

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