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Seeing psychiatrist because of break-up?

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I havent been able to sleep, eat, or focus on school for the last 3 weeks and the counselor I am seeing at school has not been much help. My emotions are running wild (angry one moment, crying another, happy lil while later, etc). Do any of you believe that seeing a psychiatrist would be a good move? I was reading that seeing a psychiatrist is usually only needed when you cannot pinpoint the source of your depression. Since I know what my source of depression is (g/f dumping me) would I still benefit from seeing a psychiatrist?


Thank u in advance.

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Hi there!


Sorry to hear about your break-up. (((hugs))) Maybe you might want to try a social worker or even a pyschologist if you are uncomfortable with seeing a psychiatrist. I believe that social workers seem to connect with their clients better than a psychiatrist. But that's just my personal opinion.

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Have you been clinically diagnosed with depression?
no i have not, that is why i was thinking of going to a psychiatrist.


Hi there!


Sorry to hear about your break-up. (((hugs))) Maybe you might want to try a social worker or even a pyschologist if you are uncomfortable with seeing a psychiatrist. I believe that social workers seem to connect with their clients better than a psychiatrist. But that's just my personal opinion.

thanks. im not sure exactly who to go see about the break-up. I've been reading about the differences between psychiatrist, psychologist, therapists, and counselors, and I'm still unsure who to go to. I am seeing one counselor but she just listens and tells me to stay strong. I feel I need more help than just encouraging words...



And where did you read that psychiatrists can only help when you do not know the cause of your depression an online article. yes i know that sometimes online articles arent the best place for info...


thanks for your replies...

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If you are feeling like your life has been very adversely affected by your breakup then there is absolutely nothing wrong with seeing a therapist. This can be a counselor (social worker, etc), psychologist, or a psychiatrist. The most important thing is finding someone you click with and whom you trust.


If your school counselor isn't helping, then certainly find someone else you can trust to talk to. What you are feeling is certainly normal after a breakup because of all the emotions involved. But I'm very glad you have been talking to someone about your concerns. Thats a great step on the way to healing.

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There is only so much a therapist, a consulor, psychiatrist, etc, can do for you. They are not there to fix your problems, they are there to listen, give you some feedback, and direction. If you don't connect with your conselor now, then you need to find another one. The connection and trust is very important and you are not going to connect with them all.


A psychatrist in a M.D.- can prescribe meds

A psycholgist is a Ph.D. cannot prescribe meds but works very similar to a psychiatrist

A MSW, LMSW are liscenced social workers, tend to handle everyday situations such as relationship problems, coping with different things, finding yourself, etc

MFT- Marriage and Family Therapist- pretty straightforward


So there are different kinds are there with different focuses and goals. You just have to find one you connect with.

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Hi There-


A phsychiatrist is going to prescribe you meds and call it a day they don't really spend time counseling you.... a therapist/social work/psycologist will spend time and talk to you about your problems/issues.


They don't "cure" you, they dont' make your problems go away, they don't change your life... they simply listen and when you need it...they point you in the right direction.


I started seeing a therapist after i broke my engagement and it was the best thing i could have done for myself. I went into it knowing i was sad depressed, angry, hurt, lonley, confused... and i knew it was because of my break up...but just knowing i had that one place to vent and talk to someone ..was a god send.


If you feel you need to talk to someone... a professional...more power to you!!


go for it. How can hurt?

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It can help you in many areas. One thing is it's good to get an unbiased view of your life. See areas you might have missed and help improve them.


While it's normal to go through all those emotions, it's not that you are not eating three weeks out. Just talking sometimes helps. So yes, I'm currently doing it too. I knew many of the issues and problems I had. What I didn't know was how to get over them for good. I tried in the past but kept repeating many mistakes. It's helped me and I'm sure it would help you too.


Good luck, post back here for more support too.

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HealingHandsWarmHeart- that's why I mentioned that social workers and the like tend to connect with their clients better because they are not "script writers", they are in no hurry to prescribe meds and call it a day.


bsp_kjm- And unless you have been formally diagnosed with depression or any other Axis 1 disorder, then I highly discourage getting meds to get over a break-up.

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I think it would be a good move. You know you want your mental health back so that you can focus on improving your future (school). Someone I know well went to one after his woman left him after a 5 year relationship. It helped him a lot, and he did it without any drugs. I think perhaps a psychologist would be better in that case, since they can't prescribe medication. I don't think any medication in particular would help you get through this. Time and adjusting to life now will help though. Also, anything you can do to change your current routine would help. Good luck.

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thank you everyone for your very informative and caring replies. I think I will instead look for a psychologist or therapist and if they truly feel i need meds, I am open to them, but hopefully they will not be needed. unfortunately, there are no social workers on my insurance plan in a 150 mile radius


you are all very wonderful people. thank you again

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A good therapist or psychologist will refer you to a medical doctor if they feel you need medication. But try talk therapy first. The medication would take several weeks to become effective anyway and it really isn't intended to help with problems like break ups and such. It is intended for clinical depression.


Another option would be counseling at a local house of worship. If you are open to it, they usually operate on a donation basis. That way they aren't too cost prohibitive.


But select the counselor that you form the best bond with. Good luck to you!

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thanks again. i do not think my place of work provides anything, its just a pizza parlor.


i contacted a local psychologist but she was out of the office. i just left a message. hopefully she contacts me soon. its unfortunate that the holidays are here and it is harder to get ahold of anyone...


thank u again everyone

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It is good that you are seeking help. I am a social worker, and also an administrator in a public mental health system. If you are truly clinically depressed--which can be situational...triggered by a loss, breakup, stress, etc--the best way to get help and feel relief is usually a combination of therapy and medication (if needed). As others have posted, one of the primary roles of a pscyhiatrist is to prescribe and monitor meds. Generally speaking, they do not do ongoing therapy, which is handled by different professionals (depending on where you live). Typical licensed mental health professionals include Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists and Pscyhologists. Again, the names may vary as to your State's licensure requirements. Usually your therapist would assess your potential need for meds, and suggest a medication evaluation by a pscyhiatrist. If the psychiatrist determines that you need medication, he/she would work with you as to the best choice of meds, dosage, etc. Since people react differently to different medications, in the early stages, the psychiatrist would likely monitor you closely. Depending on the medication, it can take several weeks to feel symptom relief. Also, in some cases, your internist may prescribe medication for depression and/or anxiety.


Here is a good link from the Mayo Clinic web site on depression:



Good luck to you, and I hope you find the help you need.

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Hey, there is nothing wrong with getting a psychiatrist. My ex broke up with me about two months ago sweety and I understand the pain. One day you want to die the next you are okay. Sometimes you just bust out crying for NO reason! It is too hard to ge over someone you love. I have a psychiatrist and I plan on seeing him when I get back home. It helps alot. Stay strong. Lots of hugs coming your way

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thakn you for all of the info gardens, I appreciate it alot!


Hey, there is nothing wrong with getting a psychiatrist. My ex broke up with me about two months ago sweety and I understand the pain. One day you want to die the next you are okay. Sometimes you just bust out crying for NO reason! It is too hard to ge over someone you love. I have a psychiatrist and I plan on seeing him when I get back home. It helps alot. Stay strong. Lots of hugs coming your way


thank you capricorn. I have been in contact with a psychologist but i cannot see her until next week... hopefully it can work out...


thank u everyone again!

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thakn you for all of the info gardens, I appreciate it alot!


Hey, there is nothing wrong with getting a psychiatrist. My ex broke up with me about two months ago sweety and I understand the pain. One day you want to die the next you are okay. Sometimes you just bust out crying for NO reason! It is too hard to ge over someone you love. I have a psychiatrist and I plan on seeing him when I get back home. It helps alot. Stay strong. Lots of hugs coming your way


thank you capricorn. I have been on an insane emotional rollercoaster. Driving to school today, I almost burst out crying several times. I never used to cry before. This break-up has completely destroyed me! I have been in contact with a psychologist but i cannot see her until next week... hopefully it can work out...


thank u everyone again!

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  • 4 weeks later...
How is everything going? Is it helping? Are you feeling better?

well i saw a MFT and she has been helpful in getting me to think about making boundaries for myself with my ex. i havent seen the MFT for a couple weeks due to my schedule. as my situation with the ex, its a big mess. i was doing pretty good until this last weekend. anyways, thanks for the concern

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