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Friend and her BF

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Hi. My best friend is constantly talking about her new boyfriend. That is ALL she talks about. At first I did not mind, I was happy for her, and I still am, but it gets tiring to hear about all the things he does and all of that. Also, I don't have a boyfriend, so it makes me feel a little bad because I don't have that in my life. It also makes me mad that she hangs out with him all the time, but when I suggest we do something, she never wants to. I know we have a good friendship, so I'm not afraid of losing her, and I think she is trying to also keep me in her life, but at the same time, I just think she prefers to spend time with him. Also its just really irritating, when I am saying a story about myself, and she replies by saying how the same thing happened to her and her new boyfriend, and it always comes back to him. How can I try to let her know that I am tired of hearing about him, without being completely rude? I feel kind of bad for feeling this way, although I think its normal, if you have any similar stories please share, and tell me how did you deal with it.

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It happens a lot. It has happened to me to me before. I ended up hanging out with my other friends. I know it stinks because you really want to hang out with this girl but until the honeymoon phase wears off, then this is going to continue. I would lay low for awhile and hang out with others. Because talking to her about it is only going to make her defensive and you are probably going to come accross as jealous to her.

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I agree with Kellbell the best thing to do is lay low for a while. It's an easier solution for everyone concerned.


The only alternative I can think of would be to talk to her about it but I doubt that either of you would end up being tactful and you'd only upset each other by ending up in a confrontation.


Personally if it was me I'd go for the peaceful option.


Good luck and take care.

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yeh same thing happened to me and my mate. realise its tough especially when ur not in a relationship yourself. i think the begininig of most realtionshps r like that tho- i kno i cud never stop talking bout my b/f wen we first startd goin out- but that only lasted so long and also i tried not to talk about him too much with my mates coz i knew that wud prob piss them off... i think its just coz he's a new part in her life and she jus wants to share her happiness with her friends, it wont take long before the honeymoon period is over don't worry. i the meantime id try spending time wit other ppl coz u dont want to offend your mate too much.

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