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Man I haven't touched a girl in so long...


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It isn't a male mode, it is human nature. We all want someone special, someone we can love. We all want someone we can hold, to touch and be touched back. It's the desire to be loved, appreciated and understood. To know that someone is there for us, that we can count on through good times and bad.


Everyone has those times when they feel lonely or when their minds start to wander. Go ahead and feel like that, its only natural. The important thing is to not let it overwhelm you, to not become so caught up in the desire to have someone that it becomes a detriment to other areas of your life.


And you will feel a girls touch again. Simple believe.

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I'm in the same boat as you man. I miss the physical side of being with a girl so much, and I miss the emotional aspect even more so. I've thought about a one night stand kinda thing, just to relieve myself from some of the stress, but I really don't know. I think I would feel pretty guilty afterwards...

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And thats what porn is for...


Seriously, it is hard to deal with those feelings. And its even harder to deal with not having anything in that regards for your entire life, only to finally find what you were looking for, to simple hold a girl in your arms and feel so incredible that you wished time would freeze so you could be locked in that moment of pure heaven forever.... but to have it all ripped away from you suddenly and harshly.


But no matter how much it hurts, it isn't the end all be all of life. There is more to life then a relationship. Don't look at it as something you are missing, but as a chance to explore the other things life has to offer. We'll all have someone eventually. Are you going to sit around dwelling on it and waste time that could be spent on any number of things? Do you want to look back and wonder why you wasted so much time crying over not having someone? Or do you want to live?

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I feel exactly the same. Still, hugging someone close to me does not help at all. If anything, I don't like to be touched. But in a relationship, I am a cuddle-freak! Strange, because with other people I always like the distance, even if I am craving for the 'touch of a man'.

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Nope, sorry Kyo. I was doing my best to ignore his avatar... *chills*


Though I don't have a problem with yours. Saw a commerical for the movie she's in. What was the name of it again?

Aeon Flux, and I can't wait for it to come out.


For Zerohero: I am just like you, but I have never had someone to begin with so I am longing for a close relationship. The more I see people enjoying other's company, the more depressed I get.

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Aeon Flux.... hoping the rest of the movie is as nice as the outfit.


We are all longing for that close relationship. And the sight of people together makes me sad too. It's like, "get a room people." But I stay positive. We will find someone. And it will be worth the wait.

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Ok, Kyo. Mind if I look for a way to get some of your more uplifting messages to Charlize Theron? I bet she would find them nice and go out with you. Of course, at the same time I'll be trying to get me a date with a cutie by the name of Miranda Lambert. And Zerohero, I'll be glad to try and match you up with a request.


Optimism guys. Let's take a drink from the fun flask and have ourselves a good ol time, with or without a girl.

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Aeon Flux, and I can't wait for it to come out.


For Zerohero: I am just like you, but I have never had someone to begin with so I am longing for a close relationship. The more I see people enjoying other's company, the more depressed I get.



Well getting the worst thing is knowing that when ever she leaves for grad school that she will more and likely meet some dude there. Not saying I wont meet anyone but sometimes I think about that. It's almost like she gets off scott free in a way. I just wish the yin, and yang would apply more than often.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Focusing on the life that your ex-significant other is leading is an emotional "cruising for a bruising". Just worry about yourself and what you need to be fulfilled. You hear the cliche about working on yourself and just worry about completing yourself...well I swear it's true. You may even be in a position right now where you feel like you're great and you're just waiting for Ms. Wonderful to show up and recognize it...but keep looking, and dig deeper. If you see the same thing then looking didn't hurt anything.

Like many people, I originally came to this site because I had a pretty functional relationship 3 and a half year relationship end and I was devastated. Whatever fears you have about finding someone you like as much, just put those aside. You will. Also, as far as age goes, there's a difference between 20 years of experience and then a year of experience repeated 20 times...this isn't necessarily you, but go ahead and review those past relationships and see if there are any common threads. Sometimes we're doomed to keep replaying the same story over and over until we recognize patterns, figure out the source and fix them. If this doesn't apply to you then disregard it...

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